It’s in Florence: returning soon (the Farma Valley Community Map)

TO BE TRANSLATED Nell’immagine in evidenza sopra, Mario Straccali, con valido supporto morale, completa la campitura artigianale dello scotch di carta usato per spiegare che se la bacheca su cui da un paio di anni spicca la mappa di comunita’ della Val di Farma (anche citata in un rapporto della Banca Mondiale) e’ vuota, c’e’ … Continue reading It’s in Florence: returning soon (the Farma Valley Community Map)

All the beauties of the Farma Valley will be showcased in Florence (Il Tirreno, Grosseto Edition, Feb. 21, 2019)

The article elaborates on a post I published on Feb 18, 2019: Florence, Feb 22-24, 2019, Hotel Lombardi: Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation from the Farma Valley and friends. The photo is actually a shot I made in Dec. 2016, just before the first Farma Valley Winter Fest. The view is from Piloni, looking North, … Continue reading All the beauties of the Farma Valley will be showcased in Florence (Il Tirreno, Grosseto Edition, Feb. 21, 2019)

Florence, Feb 22-24, 2019, Hotel Lombardi: Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation from the Farma Valley and friends

NB: Participation to the event is free, but given the limited space and the possibility of “jazz improvisation” in parts of the schedule please write in advance to or +393317539228 to let us know when you may show up. The network, in collaboration with Hotel Lombardi is organizing on Feb 22, 23, and … Continue reading Florence, Feb 22-24, 2019, Hotel Lombardi: Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation from the Farma Valley and friends

On Feb. 23 the Farma Valley Winter Fest goes to Florence in a “bonsai” version

Between Dec. 14 and 16, 2018, the third Farma Valley Winter Fest was held in Southern Tuscany, in four hamlets halfway between Siena and Grosseto (Piloni, Torniella, Scalvaia, and Tatti). The motto for the initiative was “three days of pici, love, and music”, recalling the Woodstock festival and a typical pasta from Southern Tuscany. The … Continue reading On Feb. 23 the Farma Valley Winter Fest goes to Florence in a “bonsai” version

The BuioMetria Partecipativa project: from the Farma Valley (inner Southern Tuscany) to the HORIZON 2020 programme.

The BuioMetria Partecipativa was born in Spring 2008 in the woods of the Farma Valley, in Southern Tuscany (half way between Siena and Grosseto). While the project as a “local” approach among its priorities, since its first steps it was aiming at national and international connections: Since 2008 the project managed several international relations. Part … Continue reading The BuioMetria Partecipativa project: from the Farma Valley (inner Southern Tuscany) to the HORIZON 2020 programme.

Third Farma Valley Winter Fest: Day 3 and Epilogue

TO BE TRANSLATED La terza giornata del Festival è stata tutto sommato defaticante rispetto alla seconda. Abbiamo avuto la presenza di quattordici delegati del Coordinamento Associazioni Astrofile della Toscana, cui abbiamo avuto modo di presentare alcuni colleghi che non conoscevano, come il presidente della AAT (Associazione Astrofili di Torniella), il presidente della AAPB (Associazione Astrofili … Continue reading Third Farma Valley Winter Fest: Day 3 and Epilogue