Jugcast dalle Colline Metallifere. Ep. 3, with Vea about “ri-bella” music

Thanks again to from Vea form Collegno (close to Turin, Instagram: @veayeah). She invited us to consider the difference between different ways of placing music (and performance on a stage, be it formal or non-formal) in our lives. She also introduced her dog Kazoo to Mauro Tirannosauro. Our next and final Jugcast for this first … Continue reading Jugcast dalle Colline Metallifere. Ep. 3, with Vea about “ri-bella” music

Heads up: Sat. Feb 26, the Third Jugcast Colline Metallifere: “ri-bella” Music with VEA

The format created by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere to support “hybrid aggregation” (partly in physical spaces and partly online) talking about culture, environment, open innovation, and music. After Elena Maggi on light pollution (see the Feb. 12 recording) and Marco Marongiu from Oslo, Norway, on open innovation (see the Feb. 19 recording), on Saturday, … Continue reading Heads up: Sat. Feb 26, the Third Jugcast Colline Metallifere: “ri-bella” Music with VEA

Jugcast dalle Colline Metallifere. 2. Open Innovation, with Marco Marongiu

This was broadcast from the community cente in Piloni (Southern Tuscany), between 12.15PM and 12.40PM on Feb. 19, 2022. For the first time, we had the honour of having Claudio “Bob” Spinosi as a co-host. Bob was in 2007 one of the pillars of the “Palla a 21 from Tuscany to Chicago Mission”, and since … Continue reading Jugcast dalle Colline Metallifere. 2. Open Innovation, with Marco Marongiu

Heads up: Sat. Feb 19, the Second Jugcast dalle Colline Metallifere, on Open Innovation

After the opening on Feb. 12, with Elena Maggi from the University of Pisa, who told us a bit about light pollution studies in coastal areas (you can find the recording here), the next meetup will be with Marco Marongiu. Marco is a Sardinian computer scientist currently based in Oslo, Norway. Marco will tell us … Continue reading Heads up: Sat. Feb 19, the Second Jugcast dalle Colline Metallifere, on Open Innovation

Jugcast dalle Colline Metallifere: 1. Environment, with Elena Maggi

This was broadcast from the Associazione Filarmonica Popolare di Torniella music hall in Southern Tuscany from 12.15PM to 12.32PM CET on February 12, 2022. We spoke about monitoring of light pollution and its impacts in coastal areas (in the context of the pibinko.org network we work on light pollution since 2008 with the BuioMetria Partecipativa … Continue reading Jugcast dalle Colline Metallifere: 1. Environment, with Elena Maggi

Heads up: The Jugcasts from Colline Metallifere will be starting on Feb. 12

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere (JBCM), the international and inter-generational collective based in Southern Tuscany and with collaborations in four continents, proposing since 2018 conce[r|p]ts is proud to announce a new mini web series of four episodes. Starting from February 12, for four Saturday, we will be proposing short interviews to some folks that we … Continue reading Heads up: The Jugcasts from Colline Metallifere will be starting on Feb. 12