Heads up for the December “geomusical” tour by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere

After a better-than-expected Summer with eight live shows in Tuscany, ranging from North to South (between Massa Carrara and San Quirico d’Orcia), and the awesome series of gigs with Klaus der Geiger in our closer surroundings (Follonica, Monterotondo, Tatti, Meleta…read it all in our News section), on November 3, at 10.16AM we received an offer that we could not refuse: going to Milano on Dec. 10, to have a brief set at a workshop in the Politecnico (which hosts the faculties of Engineering and Architecture).

We already visited this important location with all of the band in May 2019. Then when we gave a lecture about “sound engineering vs. engineering with sound”, while heading to Germany for a series of geoconcerts (here is a report of that story). Furthermore, since 2011 Jack O’Malley, with his environmental engineering MS and PhD has been often giving talks at the Politecnico.

In Follonica with Klaus der Geiger, Oct. 23, 2021

To build on the email we received last Wednesday, we set out to figure how to arrange other complementary activities in the town to which we have also dedicated a song, twinning it with a village very close to us, called Roccatederighi. The final schedule for December is not yet confirmed, but at this stage we already have an outline which we like to share.

In pratice, there will be a series of situations which will start around Dec. 4 in Tatti, and will end on Dec. 12 in Roccatederighi. In between there will be two and a half days in Milano (Friday 10, Saturday 11 and a breakfast on Sunday 12). So in our geotour we will have a starting and ending point which are 7 kilometers apart, with 840 kilometers to ride, and various intermediate spots. Mauro Tirannosauro will be our tour manager.

Please note: when we speak of events we do not necessarily mean concerts: our “geomusical” format includes music, talks, demonstrations of handicraft activies, tastings, etc. …these all compose our “concerpt” line of work.

One of the concerpts in Germany, in 2019.

This mission will be documented on our web site (http://www.jugbandcm.it), in Italian and English. Just check out the “News” section when you feel like it. If you really can’t get off that social network, updates will be also posted on the band’s Facebook and Instagram pages, while on Twitter and Linkedin we will post them on the pibinko.org channels. This is actually always us (plus other colleagues) when we are not doing geomusic. Once a week there will also be an email newsletter (in any case, this hosts also news from other partners of the network).

Should you accept to follow this mission, you may help to make it work better in four ways:

  • Buying the JBCM hand-made prints (namely the “Lavorare! Con lentezza” limited edition).
  • Leaving something in our digital hat.
  • Hiring the Jug Band Colline Metallifere for future events…in the physical world or online (info and booking at micalosapevo@pibinko.org or whatsapp +393317539228).
  • Providing other forms of sponsorship (again, please contact micalosapevo@pibinko.org or whatsapp +393317539228)

This message will not self-destruct, because you need to listen to this song we wrote, speaking of Milano vs. rural areas: “Rock a Milano, blues alla Rocca”: in its 2020 lockdown version:

PS our next communications will be shorter, but we needed an introduction…