Map(pear)ing Maremma, Spring 2019 Edition, first call

Some plants are starting to blossom from the seeds planted in the past months, apparently with work done with the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest and the subsequent events, plus some new collaborations.

In the coming weeks more details will be provided for each single day. Meanwhile we encourage you to take note of dates and locations, or to write to for additional information. Also, if you browse the “news” section of the site you can get a feel for the activities leading to this series of initiatives (please note: we are a bit behind with the translations into English of the news, so you want to see the real action, just switch to the Italian version of the site and go to “notizie“).

To learn, or to refresh, the mapp(ear)ing concept, proposed for the first time in 2008, you may check this articleo.

  • sat. April 13, 6.30PM 18.30 Tatti (GR) @ Barrino, the first version of the Tatti Community map
  • sat. April 20 , Scansano (GR), Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky with Buiometria Partecipativa
  • sat. April 27 , Tirli (GR), come and play Palla Eh!, or palla a 21
  • sun April 28, Punta Ala (GR), Metalliferous Hills Jug Band Live