Temporary slow-down for English translations on the pibinko.org website

On pibinko.org we normally publish all content in Italian and English (and occasionally in other languages).

From mid-November through Christmas we are having an acceleration in the publication of blog posts and site pages due to the combination of various activities. Primarily we are accelerating towards the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest, managing the pilot phase of the M(‘)appare Milano 2 campaign with BuioMetria Partecipativa (launched with a lecture at Politecnico di Milano on Nov. 22, 2018), and warming up for the next gigs of the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band.

For this reason we cannot insure the immediate translation of out news into English.

After the events we will provide some summary in Englisgh.

Meanwhile, if you do not read Italian (and do not have a friend who does) but you are interested in learning more of what is happening, you may contact  info@pibinko.org  for clarifications in English, French, Portuguese, and German.

We apologize for this inconvenience.