Torniella (Southern Tuscany), May 11, 2019: Opportunities for protection and promotion of inner rural areas from the collaboration of local expert networks and research institutions.

As a part of the mission by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in Southern Tuscany, on Saturday May 11, 2019, from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM there will be a meeting on opportunities for protection and promotion of inner rural areas from the collaboration of local expert networks and research institutions.

The location for the meeting will be the music hall of the Associazione Filarmonica Popolare di Torniella, in piazza del Popolo 15.

There will be presentations by Alessandro Ceppi, DICA meteorologist, Andrea Giacomelli coordinator, promoting since 2007 interdisciplinary research and technology transfer initiatives in Southern Tuscany, Giuseppe Milleo, senior technician at the “Fantoli” hydraulics lab in Politecnico di Milano, and Mario Straccali from Pro Loco Piloni-Torniella.

We will be reviewing some of the most significant initiatives where the presenters have been involved, in the fields of hydrology, meteorology, and in the integration of culture, environment, and open innovaiton. The talks will highlight the socio-economic impacts of these activities, and will propose opportunities for collaboration in the coming months.

For a little more context on the DICA Mission to Southern Tuscany in collaboration with, please see this article from April 16.

For more information, or to confirm your participation, please write to or call +393317539228.