Aug. 4, 2024 Voices and Music Waiting for the Stars in Torniella (Southern Tuscany), feat. Giulia Damico

Sunday, Aug. 4, at 9.30 PM in the scenic Piazza della Cisterna in Torniella, Southern Tuscany, there will be an evening of “voices and music” waiting for the stars.

The guest star for this event will be Giulia Damico, a jazz singer and songwriter from Turin, who will present her own repertoire in a set with vocals and electronics.

Giulia Damico is active on various projects and collaborations, among which the SYMPATHEIA quarter, winner of the best music award at the Proscenium festival in Assisi; the “Giuseppe Verdi dresses pink” by Fabio Giachino with Flavio Boltro and Gavino Murgia and the vocal tribute to Thelonious Monk in “Spherical Perceptions”.

With the idea of connecting the musical part of the show to the local surroundings, there will be opening readings related to Torniella and the Farma Valley.

The event is promoted by Pro Loco Piloni-Torniella, with the support of the local library and the network