BSDBMP – ep 1. – May 2008 – “Andrea, what are you taking pictures of?” – “landscape”

The Buiometria partecipativa project did not start in May 2008, but I can’t avoid starting the history in this video, which was shot in that period.

A curvy road, somebody singing Claudio Villa, on the way up, and somebody else asking my what I was taking photographs of (while I was in fact holding a video-camera) on the way back.

In between these two trips on curvy roads, a scruffy editing, defined by some “almost beyond Jodorowski”, and just like “it sucks” by others. The video tells us of a trip by a happy gang to Torniella-Piloni (Souther Tuscany. Who was there, in addition to the “locals” ? Off the top of my head, and citing their occupation back then:

Zoologists – 2
Environmental Engineers – 2
Hydraulic engineers – 1
Hydraulic engineer wives – 1 (please no offense meant! it is a very serious occupation to be the wife of that one hydraulic engineer)
Cultural mediators – 1
Girl-friends of environmental engineersi – 1 (sorry: I forgot the real occupation)
hyperkinetic teen agers – 1 (patrolled by parents, but this capable of committing sabotage to one of the cars)
Nature Scientists – 0,8 (she was just about to get her Master’s back then)

Why do I spend energy to list this set of skills ? Because these people were the first to take part ot the first official measure in the BuioMetria Partecipativa project. And…because I think that, among other assets, professional skills are one of the key elements in any initiative where something needs to happen.

As the video recalls, the measure was conducted in a location called Certopiano, just on the border of one of the natural reserve areas in the Grosseto province, at the end of the First of May celebration in 2008.
The day after, the group disbanded in different directions: some went canoeing, some to eat tortelli, and some brough some Parmigiano Reggiano (still away from the earthquake).

Acknowledgements for the video are at the end of the title, and please read them twice.

– to be continued tomorrow –

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