A very interested audience, composed both by students, researchers, and full professors from the University of Pisa (plus a guest from the S. Anna School of Advanced Studies) attended the seminar summarizing the experiences by CNR IBIMET and the BuioMetria Partecipativa project in the fields of light pollution and promotion and protection of night skies. In the same occasion, we also had a glimpse of the activities which the Pisa University will develop over the next two years, following an initial set of studies started in 2015.

The seminar also represented the opportunity to lay the foundations for the upcoming Summer round of night sky quality monitoring within the BuioMetria Partecipativa project.
Thanks again to the Department of Biology, and especially to Elena Maggi and Lisandro Benedetti Cecchi, for hosting this event.
The next occasion to hear it from the BuioMetria Partecipativa project will by in Milano on May 30. There will be a morning lecture at the Politecnico di Milano, followed by an evening talk at the library of Lucernate, just North of the city. The morning talk will have a wider scope (but will still touch the issue of light pollution), while the evening talk will be focused on how to use artificial light with more awareness (than the average of what we see happening roaming over the past nine years on this topic).
For more information info@pibinko.org
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