Category Archives: Announcements

To Friends in Bayern and Baden-Württemberg (and surroundings)…

…if you live in Bayern or Baden-Württemberg and you are curious about the Jug Band Colline Metallifere and about stuff we propose about “music & territories”, please contact us for an initiative which will be reaching you in a couple of months: o 3317539228.

For a refresher:

Please note that for posts after May 2023 the Italian-language version of the sites has a lot more content than the English-language version, so you are encouraged to browse the Italian version..

The BuioMetria Partecipativa Map now embeds also readings by Unihedron

A sky quality meter in the process of being “passed” as a relay baton between two characters in the network (Dec. 2016).

After switching back on the interactive BuioMetria Partecipativa map during the twentieth edition of “M’illumino di Meno”, we are gradually adding layers to the canvas that we would like to use over the coming months to trigger actions about light and darkness.

After the CNR IBE monitoring network, we have reloaded the data collected by Unihedron, i.e. the producer of the “Sky Quality Meter”, which we renamed as “buiometri” for our Italian communities.

The new map is available at

We would like to recall that the Sky Quality Meter is not the only type of sensor existing for the measurement of night sky quality. In fact, with the BuioMetria Partecipativa since 2011 we have conducted various intercomparison and cross-calibration experiments. However, the SQM still remains as the most widespread entry-level sensor, plus it is the one which we have historically used as a liaison between the various participants to the buiometria measurement campaigns.

For more information: or +393317539228.

The BuioMetria Partecipativa Map now includes the CNR IBE Research Network

Thanks to Luciano Massetti of the Italian Research Council Bioeconomy Institute, who is a historical collaborator of the BMP project, we are glad to add to our “classical” measures (i.e. those made with manual measurements by citizens), a new information layer.

This is represented by the location of fixed stations that CNR IBE has been deploying since 2015 to monitor artificial night sky brightness in various parts of Tuscany. The Tuscan network had a recent “spin-off” in the Svalbard Islands, since Luciano was on a mission in February 2024 to install a sensor in that remote location. By clicking on a given station, you may either review publications where the data have been presented, or contact Luciano for more information.

Open Data Day 2024: Merging the network Community Maps

In the framework of the 2024 Open Data Day, we are preparing a simple “alignment” exercise involving various community maps which we created starting from 2013 in collaboration with various characters in the Metalliferous Hills, and beyond. In a few days we will release additional details on this initiative, which will take place between March 4, and March 10, 2024.

In the meantime:

The new Participatory Night Sky Quality Monitoring Map

Between 2008 and 2020, in collaboration with Luca Delucchi, a geographer and a big supporter of the Sampdoria footbal club, the data collected by citizens with the Buiometria Partecipativa project were collected on a web site which allowed to display maps, reports, and more. For a few years we had to put the service on hold, but -taking the opportunity of the 2024 M’illumino di Meno 2024, we decided to re-propose the service in a lighter form.

The map is available from this link:

A “palla 21” ball is on its way to Colorado (USA)

Last year we were contacted by Noel C. , a physical education high school teacher based in the Denver, Colorado, area. Noel found out through the internet about the existence of palla 21 (aka palla eh!), and he contacted us to explain about his project: teach the game to his students, and possibly write some articles, or a book, about this story.

We told Noel that we were flattered about his interest and that we have several videos and text explanations to provide guidance. But, there was a big but…the ball, the ball…how can you teach a ball game without the proper ball?

Noel wrote that he had been looking for the palla a 21 balls on Amazon and did not find them. This was possibly a joke, since he had seen the videos where the ball is made by hand, but we appreciated the spirit. So, after various consultations with selected representatives of the network we decide to go for it and put a rare palla a 21 (or palla eh!) ball in the hands of an international courier.

At this point with the Tuscan ball players we are following with trepidation the tracking for the ball (and you can do it as well:, and when the ball will arrive we will give you more news.

To give a little emphasis to this moment, together with Sean Connerie and Silvia from Centro Color in Follonica, Tuscany, we prepared a little “boxing video” (normally people do “unboxing” videos)…

In 2007 we went with a crew of 21 people from Tuscany to Chicago to demonstrate palla a 21 (or palla eh!). In 2024 we are looking forward to see a ball from the Tuscan Metalliferous Hills making people play in Denver, Colorado, and we will see where this will bring!

Musica: i Lubrophonics

TATTISTAMPA will be Part of the 2024 Hand-Made Printing Day (Mar. 17, 2024)

TATTISTAMPA, the print shop installed by Wolfgang Scheibe in Tatti, Southern Tuscany, in 2007, will be part also this year of the Hand-Made Printing Day.
This event was launched in 2018, when UNESCO in Germany recorded this discipline in the list of intangible cultural heritage.

The celebration is followed mostly in German-speaking countries, but it is not forbidden to participate from other countries. So Wolfgang has considered wearing the hat of “honorary consul” for the Day in Southern Tuscany. You may also check the page to see a map of the various locations participating in Europe.

The official commemoration is on March 15, but in order to encourage participation, the appointment in the Metalliferous hills is set for Sunday, March 17, from 11AM at the Zucchini farm. This is 1.5 km outside of Tatti, on the road going from the village to Roccatederighi.

Here you may see from a closer distance how the Ape car prints are born, as well as T-shirts and other works, all rigorously created with characters in wood or iron, and graphic insets engraved by hand.

The visit to the workshop is free, but given the limited space available you should please reserve via e-mail at or via whatsapp on +393394465812.

Rumour has it that some members of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere may be on the premises (all of the JBCM graphics are provided by Wolfgang, who also happens to be the one-string bass player in the band).

For more information:

Official soundtrack…”Lo stampatore” (the printer):

Feb. 6, 2024, 6PM: Andrea Giacomelli at “L’aperitivo parla inglese” @ Loft, Grosseto, Tuscany

The official presentation is on Facebook: For the extra-Facebook folks:

Andrea Giacomelli is an environmental engineer and a PhD in hydrology, with forty years of international wanderings. In 2007 he decided to return to his family’s motherland, the Maremma, developing interdisciplinary projects involving culture, environment, open innovation and music, leading to some very particular results. Andrea will be speaking about comics, starting from the work of Jack Kirby, one of the greats of Marvel Comics, on the 30th anniversary of his death (and going back to Andrea as an addictioned reader of Kirby’s comics in the mid-Seventies)

Andrea Giacomelli è un ingegnere ambientale e dottore di ricerca in idrologia, con quaranta anni di pellegrinaggi internazionali. Nel 2007 ha deciso di spostarsi nella zona di origine della sua famiglia, la Maremma, sviluppando progetti interdisciplinari combinando aspetti culturali, ambientali, di innovazione libera e musicali, e ottenendo risultati piuttosto particolari. Andrea parlerà di fumetti, a partire dall’opera di Jack Kirby, uno dei maestri della Marvel Comics, nel 30° anniversario della sua morte (e partendo dalle memorie di Andrea come avido lettore dei fumetti di Kirby nella metà degli anni Settanta).

Every Tuesday, l’Aperitivo parla Inglese, to have a chat, in Italian or English. The event is public and with no additional charges. +39320 9616302.

BuioMetria Partecipativa will be in M’illumino di Meno 2024. Do you want to be with us?

If you are in a hurry: if you want to collaborate with the BuioMetria Partecipativa (participatory night sky quality monitoring) for the next edition of M’illumino di Meno, please contact or +393317539228. We also have options for educational/professional training credits.

What is M’illumino di Meno?

The simplest thing is to quote the RAI (Italian public broadcasting company) website. RAI is the organizer of the event:

M’illumino di Meno is the Italian National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles, which has been promoted by Rai Radio2 with its popular drive-time afternoon show Caterpillar since 2005. The first edition took place on February 16th 2005, when the Kyoto Protocol came into force. That’s when Caterpillar got the idea of asking Rai Radio2 listeners to turn off the lights as a statement of environmental concern: M’illumino di Meno* was born.
Year after year, M’illumino di Meno inspired Rai Radio2 listeners to take action to save the planet: practising circular economy, favoring clean mobility, switching to renewables, supporting reforestation…In 2022 it also became law: the Italian Parliament recognized February 16th as the National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles.
M’illumino di Meno has now reached its 20th edition and you are all invited to join us on February 16th 2024!
Schools and universities, museums and theatres, companies, associations, public authorities: you may turn off the lights on your buildings, organize a meeting on sustainability, a recycling workshop or a tree-planting happening, hold an acoustic concert, a zero-impact show, a collective walk or bike ride to raise awareness about planet safeguarding…
Anyone, as a private person may cook an anti-waste receipt and have a candlelit dinner, walk or bike to work or to school, plant a tree in their garden… and always switch off their lights.

How does the Network relate to this?

A map of the BuioMetria partecipativa measurements collected by citizens since 2008

The network has a strong environmental engineering foundation. Its coordinator is an environmental engineer and a PhD with over 30 years of international experience. Two more environmental engineers have collaborated for years, and we interact daily with many people who have a sound perception of what energy waste is (farmers, sheperds, forestry engineers, etc.).

Since 2008, when we started the BuioMetria Partecipativa project as a citizen science initiative, we have been invited several times to give presentations at M’illumino di meno events: Rome (2011), Barberino Val d’Elsa (2012) and Monticiano (Siena) -Civitanova Marche (Macerata)-Montieri (Grosseto) (2017). In 2022 the Comune di Scansano (Grosseto) asked us to write an article about this (see link, in Italian).

Via Lattea dal Monte Labro (GR) – foto di Federico Giussani.

3) Since the BMP project based on public gatherings and hand-to-hand sensor exchange, with the various lockdowns our activities on this project had to be reduced, but were not stopped. Furthermore, even during the first lockdown, we continued to keep our participation engine alive by applying it to other fields (namely, the Participatory Lithology project).

4) Having read that this year one of the wishes of M’illumino di Meno is to trigger the networking of different subjects, and to extend the range of activities out of the Italian borders, we considered that we want to be part of the initative, accounting for our track record with the BMP project (and our non-BMP engagement activities):

4.1)  In 2010 we organized a photo contest (Between Dusk and Dawn) which had the participation of over 600 people from 52 countries (see article, in Italian). We still have the mailing list from this event (plus some other 10k direct contacts acquired in time).

Via Lattea vista dalla Rocca di Montemassi (GR) verso sud

4.2) From 2013 to 2016 we have been the Italian representatives in a European-funded project focused on the networking of research organizations on light pollution (with 42 institutions from 16 countries)

4.3) In 2018-2019, in collaboration with the National Research Council in Florence and the University of Pisa we organized an international symposium on the island of Capraia (Capraia Night Sky) and a one-day workshop in Florence for those who could not reach the island (including representatives of environmental agencies from five Italian regions) – see link1 e link2.

4.4) we have an extended network of stakeholders at the national level, including amateur astronomer associations, museums, libraries, parks, dog shelters, and other subjects we have collaborated with over the years. 

4.5) We have received international recognition for our engagement work and for the interdisciplinary approach we use, especially for our art & science stuff with the  Jug Band Colline Metallifere (“Dark Sky Defender” prize by the International Dark Sky Association – 2019 – see article

Lights from the San Galgano Abbey (Siena) – photo by Federico Giussani

4.6) With our Jug Band Colline Metallifere hat we have a song list dedicated to environmental issues (e.g. Fuffi the climate change expert cat, Shackleton on the so-called “ecobonus” grants in Italy, “Il Cielo è di tutti” speaking of the sky, etc). proprio per parlare del cielo ecc.) so we can add a real soundtrack to our activities.

4.7) Since May 2023 we proposed lots of activities and events, so we are now on a communication “wave” (and we have been for months planning international networking activities for 2024, in particular toward Austria in april, and with another mission north of the Alps in June) – see this link.

4.8) The headquarters of Buiometria Partecipativa are in Southern Tuscany. This is an area with a high night sky quality (as you may have seen from some of the shots above). But the main thing is that living here has helped us to develop a very educated feeling about the relationship between light and darkness.

Our call to action

Summing all of this up…as of today the link to propose initiatives for M’illumino di Meno is not yet active, but the managers of the initiative from RAI wrote yesterday that they would be glad of having BuioMetria Partecipativa in their “roster”. At this point, we are extending the invitation to you: if you would like to be part of our BuioMetria Partecipativa initiative on Feb. 16 for M’illumino di meno (and other activities which will follow going towards the warmer months) please contact or +393317539228.

Last but not least: if you are engineers, architects, environmental scientists or guides: there is the possibility of organizing your contribution to be qualified as educational/training credits. For more information, write to the same contact.

Closing track:

April 2020…Mauro Tirannosauro sings about his experiences with BuioMetria Partecipativa (see full article).

The network (and a delegation from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere) will be at the 5th European Citizen Science Association Conference in Vienna

In the first week of April pibinko aka Jack O’Malley will be on a mission representing the network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere in Austria.

This opportunity came combining funds obtained from an ECSA grant (namely, from the Empowerment, Inclusiveness, and Equity working group), combined with the logistic support by other Austrian contacts in the network.

With we work on citizen science and community engagement on scientific topics since 2008. Mainly with our BuioMetria Partecipativa project, and community maps, but not only. So, after our missions to Madrid in 2018, to Brussels in 2019, and to the Netherlands in 2022, we will have the possibility of having a live presence of our projects in a European research context.

Before Easter, more details about this mini-tour will be presented.