The official supplier for art and painting material in the network. Also provides frames. In Follonica (Southern Tuscany), in piazza Vittorio Veneto 3. For more information:

The official supplier for art and painting material in the network. Also provides frames. In Follonica (Southern Tuscany), in piazza Vittorio Veneto 3. For more information:
Mr. Connerie started to collaborate with the network in the Summer of 2023 during the Jug Band Colline Metallifere Brezel Tour, where we found a lot of characters with strange glasses.
Mr. Connerie’s whereabouts are partly documented via the pibinko and jugbandcm Instagram channels, and other classified sources.
His role in the network is not yet completely clear to those without the proper glasses. For more information (or if you need a pair of glasses): or whatsapp +393317539228
Young guitarist from Piombino, Tuscany. Currently based in Bologna, where he is developing his movie soundtrack production skills.
He has been collaborating since 2020 with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere and also has projects with Dario Canal and other collaborations in the theatre sector.
Find him on
Please note: the Pizzeria has closed in early 2023. We are in any case in contact with Andrea and Elio
In Garibaldi square, at the centre of Scansano, the village who gave its name to the Morellino wine. This is a location which works as an excellent pizza place, with all the required drinking options, but will also cater you with various forms of food for thought, brought to you by Andrea and Elio.
AKA “the man who did not whisper to horses”. Born in Torino, now in Tuscany for over 20 years.
…noto Bob. Vive in ed è parte de la Val di Farma. Muratore e suonatore di bombardino, conosce molto bene storia e geografia nel raggio di 50 km da piazza del Popolo di Torniella (e ne sa parecchie anche oltre). Ha iniziato a collaborare con la rete il 4.1.2007, nell’aperitivo alla Combriccola di Torniella in cui fu condivisa l’idea di portare la palla a 21 a Chicago. Da allora è una delle colonne portanti della rete, è co-autore di alcune presentazioni scientifiche (una presentata nel 2011 a un workshop UNESCO a Gerace, e una del 2015 allo Ecocity World Summit di Abu Dhabi).
Se la bassa Toscana fosse la somma di paradiso, purgatorio e inferno, Bob sarebbe il vostro Virgilio.
Vari contributi di Bob e della famiglia Spinosi di Torniella (anche Fabiano e Pio) sono documentati sul sito
Urban photographer, novelist, international relations expert, and a real authority concerning football (as in soccer for US readers).
Write to for more information or to contact Alessio Guerrini via the network.
Violinist based in Köln, Germany, also know as the “Asphalt Paganini”, with over fifty years of history as a street musician.
For more information:
We have been collaborating since 2006. He works in the design and management of cultural and educational activities for CSBNO ( Cultura Socialità Biblioteche Network Operativo) and collaborates with other cultural institutions in the Milan area, and not only. He has a strong passion for music. He can be contacted at: