Category Archives: Compositions

Give us our daily PNRR: 25 We shall proceed in spite of rational hindrance

Here we are – the column dedicated to the possibility of designing each day a measure of the PNRR according to the vision of a bunch of apparent hobos, with the rationale that the world is our homeland, that moral law and the starry sky are the same thing, and that synaesthesia is a daily practice which can be applied to margin project controls in a project is coming to an end.

If you liked it…the column ends today, but the story of the bunch of apparent hobos does not. For more information and booking: or whatsapp 3317539228.

For a grand musical finale, a double feature including greetings and an invitation.

[in the header picture, the menu of the restaurant where Simone Sandrucci and other peers playing the instruments he plays will never be happy to go]

Happy trails to you, until we meet again | Buon viaggio a voi, fino al nostr prossimo incontro

Happy trails to you, keep smiling until then | Buon viaggio a voi, fino ad allora continuate a sorridere

Who cares about the clouds when we’re together | Chi se ne frega delle nuvole, quando siamo insieme

Just sing a song and think ’bout sunny weather | Basta cantare una canzone e pensare al bel tempo

Ci dicevano, insistevano, di studiare
Che da grandi ci sarebbe stato utile sapere
Le cose che a scuola andavamo ad imparare
Che un giorno avremmo dovuto anche lavorare

E c’è chi è stato promosso, c’è chi è stato bocciato
Chi non ha retto la commedia ed è uscito dal gioco
Ma quelli che han studiato e si son laureati
Dopo tanti anni adesso sono disoccupati
Infatti mi ricordo mi sembrava un po’ strano
Passare tutte quelle ore a studiare il latino
Perché allena la mente a metter tutto in prospettiva
Ma io adesso non so calcolare L’IVA

Io volevo sapere la vera storia della gente
Come si fa a vivere cosa serve veramente
Perché l’unica cosa che la scuola dovrebbe fare è:
Insegnare ad imparare

Io per mia fortuna me ne son sempre fregato
Non facevo i compiti, non ho quasi mai studiato
Ascoltavo dischi, mi tenevo informato
Cercavo di capire ed adesso me la so cavare

Perciò va’ pure a scuola, per non far scoppiar casini
Studia matematica, ma comprati un violino
Impara a lavorare il legno, ad aggiustar ciò che si rompe
Che non si sa mai, nella vita un talento serve sempre

Give us our daily PNRR – 10

Over the past couple of months we have been lagging in the translation of our posts into English, for two reasons: (1) we were very busy with the “geotour” and (2) our call for translators, issued on Nov. 27, has not yet yielded valid candidates. So, pending a couple of quiet days for Jack O’Malley to catch up with the “transcreation” of pibinko’s articles (or vice versa), we simply decide to give priority to specific content, like today.

After the publication, yesterday, of the “Rosetta stone” version of the Live Motel show with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (vedi link), it is not possible to be indifferent, for the folks who, in the years, have been following the stories leading to that performances.

But, since most of you did not follow them, or if you followed you might have been mildly distracted, what can we do? We can play Caparezzah! …and do it all over again. For more information: oppure whatsapp 3317539228

PS the call for translators is here:

Vorrei che i pidocchi abitassero la testa di Branduardi, | I would like lice to live in Branduardi’s head
giocare a Tomb Raider insieme a Finardi, | to play Tomb Raider with Finardi
uscire solo con la Cinquetti e tornare tardi, | go out with Gigliola Cinquetti and be back late
vorrei sapere la mia lingua meno di Biscardi, | I would like to know my language less than Biscardi
criticare sgorbi disegnati da Sgarbi, | To criticize scrawls made by Sgarbi
mettere peli sotto le ascelle di Barbie, | To put hair under Barbie’s armpits
sapere che Wilma se la fa con Barnie, | to know that Wilma has an affair with Barnie
che di nascosto Red Ronnie s’abbuffa di carni, | that Red Ronnie is secretly binging on meat
fermi, vorrei accendere la radio e sintonizzarmi su Jannacci che ammette che é astemio, | hold it, I would like to turn on my radio and tune on Jannacci admitting that he doesn’t drink
vorrei stare al Music Awards, vincere un premio, | I would like to be at the Music Awards, win a prize
Micheal Jackson dice “Capa sei un genio”, | Michael Jackson saying “Capa you’re a genius”
vorrei che il mitico Leonardo Di Caprio facesse film solo quando Vasco é sobrio, | I would like that the great Leonardo Di Caprio made films only when Vasco is sober
io vorrei che i Backstreet Boys fossero gay, | I would like the Backstreet Boys to be gay
che le teenager amassero Casadei. | That teenagers loved Casadei

Tutto ciò che c’é c’é già. | All that exists exists
Allora nei miei pezzi che si fa? | So what can we do in my songs?
Renderò possibile l’impossibile | I will make the impossible possible
fino a rendere possibile la realtà. | Until reality is made possible

Vorrei che Naomi Campbell senza bikini | I would like that a topless Naomi Campbell
facesse il filo a Ceccherini, | had a crush for Ceccherini
che invece vuole fuggire con la Nannini | who, on the contrary, wants to run away with [Gianna] Nannini
nella discoteca dove spingono Masini, | in the disco club where they are pushing [Marco] Masini
Cristina D’Avena faccia dodici bambini | that Cristina d’Avena had twelve babies
che fanno cacca che si attacca ai pannolini, | doing their poo sticking on their diapers
poi la vedi al bar che ci dà col Martini, | and then you see her at the bar drinking lots of Martini
s’ingozza con gli alcolici, duetta con i Prodigy, | getting stoned with alcohol, and making duets with the Prodigy

vorrei alzare calici come un prete perfetto, | I would like to raise cups like a perfect priest
Marilyn Manson mi farà da chierichetto, | with Marilyn Manson as my altar boy
vorrei che la Marini fosse senza culetto, | that [Valeria] Marini had no ass
che mi mostrasse il suo Do di petto, | that she showed me her chest voice
aspetto che nasca Capa Rezza junior, | waiting for Capa Rezza junior to be born
Martufello? Il massimo dello humor, | Martuffello? he’s maximum humour
Shaquille O’Neale che fa l’amore in Mini Minor, | Shaquille O’Neale make love in a Mini
Casadei, dove sei? | Casadei, where are you?

I want you freedom!

Tutto ciò che c’é c’é già.
Allora nei miei pezzi che si fa?
Renderò possibile l’impossibile fino a rendere possibile la realtà.

Documenting “The end of Summer”

Between Oct. 23 and 28 we ended up meeting quite a few times Jean-Baptiste de Brabander, a young French film maker. Jean-Baptiste is working on an ambitious documentary, with the intent of portraying the four seasons in Italy. The documentary is being shot entirely on film and is called “La fin de l’été” (The end of Summer).

Following a pattern which is not new in the network, we happened to interact wearing different hats, and shared multiple moments with Jean-Baptiste. We are now very curious of seeing the final product, even though a bit more time will be needed. In fact, Winter still has to be filmed, and editing will follow. In the meantime, we liked the idea of “documenting the documentary maker”, with our best wishes for the continuation of his project.

In the sequence below you can see him in Follonica, during the shooting of “Abramo” versione Jug Band Colline Metallifere, together with Klaus der Geiger; in the Farma Valley with Mario Straccali from Torniella and Andrea Giacomelli to cover (on Anna Giacomelli’s property) some chestnut harvesting, at the Boscaiolo restaurant in Torniella to elaborate on Autumn and these territories, and at the Ixtlan agricamping in Tatti, after a take on the genesis of the Farma Valley Winter Fest. In the header image, the director at work to plot his north-bound route using some of the nodes as beacons.

For more information:

A Northern Macedonia evening at Il Boscaiolo, Torniella, Southern Tuscany, June 21, 2020: How did it go?

The first event of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere conce[r|p]t season was a great success. On this round we had a “concept”. The topic was the cultural twinning of the forest areas in the boundary area between Grosseto and Siena in Southern Tuscany, and the Republic of North Macedonia del Nord. You may find a presentation of the event in this article.

The animators for the evening were Ferit Idrizovski and his son, Mujadin. They are originally from Crn Vrv, about 80 km South of Skopje, but have been residing in Italy now for over twenty years. Their goal was to tell people about their country, in the context of a set arranged by Jack O’Malley with objects somewhat related to the topic. Below are some shots of the event.

For more information, and booking: or +393317539228

Three little birds in Scalvaia, the village on the North side of the Farma Valley, facing Torniella (see also Three Little Birds May 2019 version), just before the event.
The site looking East entering Torniella from the South, along via Senese (the former Siena/Arezzo state road). On the horizon you can detect Monte Amiata, the highest peak in Southern Tuscany. The availability of power and communication lines is abuundant in this territory, making it ideal for the development of production and industrial facilities (to be designed accounting for B.A.T.’s, Best Available Technologies).
Mauro Tirannosauro is encouraging folks passing by to join the event, with just a few slots available at Il Boscaiolo, assisted by Debora.
Arrivati Ferit e Mujadin, e conosciuto Amos, che andò in missione nel Nord Macedonia del 2003, non si sta “a pettinare le bambole”. Partono subito con un video sul territorio di Crn Vrv, e memorie d’antan.
Meanwhile the other symposium participants have arrived. From Gollonica (FR), the Lawrences-Goodwhos family, collaborating with Mauro Tirannosauro, and others.
Peter “Raman” Crivelli wrote a ballad about macedonia as the fruit salad (in Italian it is the same word), called “kiwi always fits in”
Ferit gets at the height of his outreach exercise with videos of weddings from Northern Macedonia, first from his phone….
…and more with Mujadin, on Jack O’ Malley’s PC.
While on the centre court folks are debating about territories and jobs, Mauro Tirannosauro and Telly Lawrences meet with other friends who took part in the making of the video on Mauro on the rampage in Gollonica (FR), produced at the end of May (see the video)