Category Archives: Compositions

Dec. 1, 2018 – Bar Cerveceria Sidi – Waiting for the Farma Valley Winter Fest with BuioMetria in Madrid

The Madrid meet-up with the info point about  BuioMetria Partecipativa , waiting for the Farma Valley Winter Fest,  is on Dec. 1 at 9PM at Bar Cerveceria Sidi, in Calle Colón , angolo Calle del Barco.
Pibinko will have a (small) desk space with outreach material to explain, first of all, the light pollution issue…then we will see. We plan to close the info point by midnight.

The first announcement of the event, made yesterday, started flowing through the capital, leading to the creation of long lines of people interested as seen below:

Madrileños lining up waiting for tonight’s outreach event at 9 PM, Sidi Bar….not (but the place we found is interesting).

For more information:

Waiting for the Farma Valley Winter Fest in Madrid

As per the promotion plan of the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest (in Southern Tuscany Dec 14-16, this year also hosting the Tuscan conference of amateur astronomer associations, including some international guests), we have an event scheduled for tomorrow (Saturday, Dec. 1, 2018) in Madrid, Spain.

The situation is kind of fluid, but not chaotic: at present the venue and the time are not yet defined. However this is an event taking shape a long way from home, and in a city where I was last time in 2004. So bear with me if some details will arrive last minute. For the moment I can say the event will be after 8PM.

Should you be in Madrid, and interested in participating, please write to to have more details as soon as they are available, or check the section during the afternoon of Saturday.

If you are interested in the Farma Valley Winter Fest (Southern Tuscany, Dec. 14-16 2018), please check:  , noting that not all content is available in English, as per this note.

Meanwhile, some cool live music (in addition to the  Seguridad Social, branobag).

Formal presentation (kind of)

Last update 27-11-2018

The  Farma Valley Winter Fest started from the collaboration of various professional and volunteer subjects which for over ten years are operating in the area, proposing initiatives for protection and promotion of lesser known assets, and facilitating exchanges and collaboration also outside of the valley in the fields of culture, environment and open innovation and a special care for participatory processes.

A summary of the experiences made since 2007 in the Farma Valley was published last Summer on Langscape Magazine. The website the has a lot more information on the context which has been created in this area (projects, media coverage, proposed services, and a lot more)

The first edition of the Festival (Dec. 17-19, 2016) was a great success, compared to the resources available for it. It had a wide media coverage on local and regional press, and visitors coming from Florence. The second edition (Dec. 17, 2017) had a bit less energy. Nevertheless, it was fun for the residents, helped to reinforce the link with other communities nearby, and gave continuity to the project.
The third edition (Dec. 14-16, 2018) is sounding like an enhanced version of the firs one, with:

  • activities in Torniella, Piloni, Scalvaia, Tatti,  and Belagaio
  • visibility for businesses and NGOs in the valley and in the territories close to it
  • presence of interesting subjects from “far away”, including international research centers, photographers, and performers

A detailed schedule will be published gradually on the web site, in Italian and English, and in additional languages for some parts.

The Festival has a series of “waiting for the Festival” events, launched on Nov. 14 in Grosseto (followed by Florence, Nov. 15,  Massa Marittima Nov. 16, Pomarance Nov. 17, Politecnico di Milano Nov 22, Torino Nov. 23, Madrid Dec. 1, Milano Dec. 5, Grosseto Dec. 13).

The 2018 Farma Valley Winter Fest organizing team is composed by (idea, communication and manangement), Pro Loco Piloni-Torniella (main local organizer), supported by Associazione Filarmonica Popolare Torniella, Circolo ARCI Torniella, Circolo ARCI Piloni, Usi civici di Tatti e Usi civici di Torniella-Piloni, and various local businesses (Falegnameria Roberto Serragli di Scalvaia, Trattoria il Boscaiolo di Torniella, Termoservice di Bartalucci Michele, Andrea Bartalucci Tuttofare).

Other subjects are interested in collaborating and will be listed at the end of the event.

The Festival has the patronage (with no funding) by the Muncipality of  Massa Marittima (a response to similar requests to the Roccastrada and Monticiano municipalities is pending).

For more information:

Cultural mediation on the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest appreciates the value of languages and dialects. Following an exercise we already made in 2007 with our first movie”The revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies“(note: this link leads to an Italian page, but if you scroll it you will find the translation), in the weeks surrounding the Festival we will try to translate in as many versions as possibly the name and the motto of our event. Without using machine translation of expert mailing lists. In 2007 we got to 29.

We start with:

Italiano: Terzo Festival d’Inverno in Val di Fama…tre giorni di pici, amore e musica.

  • English: Third Farma Valley Winter Fest…three days of pici, love, and music
  • Castillano: Tercero Festival de invierno en Val de Farma…tres días de pici, amor y música (Valeria Solomon, 27-11-18)
  • Moldavian/Romanian: Al treilea Festiva de iarnă în Valea de la Farma …trei zile de pici, dragoste şi muzică (Valeria Solomon, 27-11-18)
  • Russian: Третий зимний фестиваль в Валь-ди-Фарма …Три дня домашней пасты (pici), любви и музыки (Valeria Solomon, 27-11-18)


  • Do you have a translation to propose for a language or a dialect which is missing? Do you have comments or adjustements for an existing version? Please write (

The Autumn BuioMetric Campaign (news by, Nov. 13, 2018)

Entering the Valley that’s not there

We are set. Are you? The 2018 Autumn BuioMetric Campaign has started.

You are invited to events and initiatives which will lead us to the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest (Southern Tuscany) on Dec. 14-16, for three days of pici, love and music.


Several of the historical readers have been asking for a new branobag season. We can do this, but in a light version, as a soundtrack for your reading. As a starter I propose “Stay With Me” by The Faces.




Recommendations for the week

14 – Grosseto – Amish from Jack White in concerto @Dribbling

15 – Viareggio –Amish from Jack White in concerto @ Corsaro Rosso

15 – Torino – Tom Newton  @ HomeGipsyHome

15 – Firenze – Campagna BuioMetrica Autunnale all’Hotel Lombardi (per informazioni: **

16 – Massa Marittima (GR) – Tanta  Roba – Amish from Jack White in concerto **

17 – Pomarance (PI) – Ganesh 0588 – Jug Band dalle Colline Metallifere live **

News by on culture, environment, and open innovation (Oct. 29, 2010)

In the past week we put some time and energy to review various ongoing initiatives (I say “we” referring to some folks I collaborate with).
At the end of this exercise, we came out with a schedule which will bring us in seven weeks to the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest, with an outlook to June 2019.

I don’t mean to elaborate too much. The first upcoming event, as far as I and other colleagues are concerned, is the first official live show by the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band at the Sassofortino Chestnut Fest, in Southern Tuscany. I am particularly glad because a cousin of mine from Ireland will be on stage.

For residents in Southern Tuscany, the  Sassofortino Chestnut Fest is one of the interesting and important events, animating their  territory out of the Summer season. For non-residents, this might look like yet another country-style joint. We invite you to come on the evening of Nov. 1, and we can decide together what it will be.

To start getting a feel for the upcoming season, you might want to review some of the past news from the blog, and take a peek to the calendar, which will be updated weekly through the end of the year.

Moving away from the daylight saving months, we move into a different phase…possibly nightlight saving?

Three suggestions:

CPNS2018-5/28: El cel del Montsec. Com un un cel fosc està impactant en l’economia d’una àrea rural

[This article is part of the “Capraia Night Sky Symposium, reloaded” series – check this introduction to learn more]

S.J. Ribas (1) , J. Vilajoli (2)

1 – Parc Astronòmic Montsec, Consell Comarcal de la Noguera,
Camí del coll d’Ares s/n E25691 Àger, Lleida, Spain

2 – Consell Comarcal de la Noguera, C. Angel Guimera 28-30
E25600 Balaguer, Lleida, Spain

La serra del Montsec és una serra calcaria de més de 40 kilòmetres de longitud a les comunitats autònomes de Catalunya i Aragó al nord-est de la Península Ibèrica. La part catalana inclou al voltant de 20 municipis a les comarques del Pallars Jussà i la Noguera.

Aquesta área mostra uns paràmetres excel·lents pel desenvolpumant d’activitats al voltant de l’astronomia i els cels foscos. Per aquest motiu el Govern de Catalunya va promoure la creació i desenvolupament del Parc Astronòmic Montsec com una eina per ajudar al desenvolupament econòmic de la regió. Aquest impuls va donar una oportunitat per aturar la pèrdua de població i la creacio i millora de noves infrastructures turístiques vinculades al cel fosc i a les activitats astronòmiques.

L’any 2013 més de 1700 km2 van ser declarats com Destinació Turística Starlight i una part d’aquesta àrea va ser també Reserva Starlight gràcies als seus fantàstics paràmetres de cel nocturn i a les accions dutes a termes en el teriirotri per a preservar-lo.

Des del 2012 es van realitzar els primers anàlisi d’impacte econòmic i social, per exemple els resultats mostrats pel procés d’evaluació i diagnosi pel disseny del ‘Pla de Desenvolupament Sostenible del Turisme Montsec 2020’ [SomMontsec 2012]. L’any 2014 un nou estudi es va realitzat sobre els visitants del Parc Astronòmic Montsec i com contribueixen en l’economia local i en les activitats alternatives a l’àrea del Montsec. Aquest estudi del 2014 es va resvisar l’any 2017 amb les noves dades de visitants i paràmetres econòmics actualitzats.

Aquests estudis ens mostren importants resultats sobre la millora de l’àrea del Montsec. Per exemple el nombre d’allotjaments s’ha doblat en un dècada, l’aturada de la pèrdua de població a l’àrea o l’estimació d’uns 2 milions d’euros d’activitat econòmica generada al territori pels visitants del Parc Astronòmic Montsec.

Paraules clau:
contaminació lumínica, economia, astroturisme

Traduzione di S. Ribas

CPNS2018-5/28: The Sky of Montsec. How a Dark Sky is Impacting the Economy of a Rural Area

[This article is part of the “Capraia Night Sky Symposium, reloaded” series , and is also available in Catalan– check this introduction to learn more]

S.J. Ribas (1) , J. Vilajoli (2)

1 – Parc Astronòmic Montsec, Consell Comarcal de la Noguera,
Camí del coll d’Ares s/n E25691 Àger, Lleida, Spain

2 – Consell Comarcal de la Noguera, C. Angel Guimera 28-30
E25600 Balaguer, Lleida, Spain

Montsec is a calcareous mountain range more than 40 kilometres long in the regions of Catalunya and Aragon in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula. The Catalonian part includes around 20 municipalities in the counties of Pallars Jussà and La Noguera.
This area showed excellent parameters to develop activities around astronomy and dark skies. For this reason the Government of Catalonia promoted the creation and development of Parc Astronòmic Montsec as a tool to help in the economic development
of the region. This development gives the chance to stop the loss of population and the creation and upgrading of new touristic facilities related to dark skies and astronomical activities.
In 2013 more than 1700 km2 were declared as Starlight Touristic Destination and part of this area became Starlight Reserve thanks to its wonderful parameters of the night
sky and the actions taken in the area to preserve it.
Since 2012 the first’s analyses of the economic and social impact have been done in the area. For example the results shown by the evaluation process for the development of the ‘Pla de Desenvolupament Sostenible del Turisme Montsec 2020’ [SomMontsec 2012] as strategic plan for tourism in the area. In 2014 a new study was done studying the visitors of Parc Astronòmic Montsec and how they participate in the local economy and in alternative activities in Montsec area. This 2014 study has been updated with 2017 visitors and economy data available.
These studies give us important results in the improvement of Montsec area. For example the number of accommodation facilities has been doubled in the last decade, the stop of the loss of population in the area or the estimation of close to 2.0MEuros of economic activity generated in the area by the visitors of Parc Astronòmic Montsec.

light pollution, economy, astrotourism.

Capraia Night Sky 2018, reloaded – end of week 1

Here is a recapitulation of this week’s articles:

Oct. 15 – Giacomelli – Introduction
Oct. 16 – Gini et al. urban ecology 
Oct. 17 – Depellegrin et al. coastal areas 
Oct. 18 – Ortolani et al. spectroscopic analysis 
Oct. 19 – Welch Dark sky places 

The next article will be available on Oct. 22.

For more information on these topics you may also see the Outreach on lighting and darkness page.

CPNS2018 4/28: Dark Sky Places of the World

[This article is part of the “Capraia Night Sky Symposium, reloaded” series – check this introduction to learn more]

D. Welch
Chair, Dark Skies Advisory Group
World Commission on Protected Areas, IUCN

From 1993 to March 2018, 149 dark sky parks and communities in 23 countries have been  recognized by various organisations,  notably the International Dark Sky Association (IDA), the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) and the Starlight Initiative.
Because light pollution impacts species and their interactions, many natural area organizations implement lighting systems friendly to night sky viewing and night ecology. Parks Canada and the RASC developed guidelines for outdoor lighting in parks, now
recommended by IDA. These guidelines apply in the 27 Canadian dark sky preserves. The Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division of the US National Park Service has guided 22 of its sites to be among USA’s 65 dark sky places, mostly recognized by the IDA.
The Starlight Initiative certifies 16 Starlight Reserves mostly in Spain. Several other places are certified by sub-national levels of government or by astronomy research groups. As well as parks and communities, the IDA certifies “Developments of Distinction” and,
likewise, the Starlight Initiative “Starlight Tourism Destinations.”

Because these programmes use many different naming systems, the IUCN Dark Skies Advisory Group developed a 6 class system, some with sub-classes, to enable world-wide comparisons.

1, Dark Sky Astronomy Site, 14 places around the world.
2, Dark Sky Park, 86 places.
3, Dark Sky Heritage Site, 3 places.
4, Dark Sky Outreach Site 9 places.
5, Dark Sky Reserve, 13 places.
6, Dark Sky Community, 24 places.

Several challenges remain.

1)Light pollution reduction is often overshadowed by other threats to nature, such as climate change.
2) Much work remains to be done to reduce light pollution in urban areas, where protected areas can play a role through outreach, visitor engagement and demonstrating best practices.
3) There still needs to be recognition that protected areas, by default, should be dark sky places.

KEYWORDS: protected areas, nature conservation, parks, communities, best
practices, outreach.

Capraia Island, Italy, Sep. 2018 (photo by Zoltan Kollath)