Category Archives: Events

The First INSPIRE Mashup (2010)

Sometime around April 2010 I was contacted by the Institute for Environment and Sustinability of the European Commission Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy, to design and promote the first mashup related to the INSPIRE Directive on spatial data infrastructures.

I had been interacting with JRC since 1997, and participating regularly to the stream of activities which was initially called “GI2000”, then became “EC-GIS”, then became INSPIRE.

We had a first teleconference with one person from JRC, one person from the Open Source Geospatial Consortium, and pibinko. After the first call, the OSGEO person did not follow up on the initiative, so this became a JRC/pibinko venture.

After the initial call, my observation was: the timeline is a bit tight, but we can make something happen. Let’s do it. ….I started by proposing a topic for the mashup…and then….[TO BE CONTINUED]


  • Krakow, Poland
  • Double surprise session
  • Biodiversity
  • Soccer world championships
  • INSPIRE (the EU Directive, not the leather watch strap brand)

For more details on this story:

For more details on maps by pibinko: