Category Archives: Events

Lecture: Geographic Information Systems as a support to public administration history studies

A lecture at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sassari, Sardinia, invited by Professor Francesco Soddu. The presentation was summarizing various independent research projects conducted between 1999 and 2003 concerning geographic text mining, and related work.
I also wish to thank Daniele Sanna for supporting this initiative.

For more information: see the “Maps” section at

EARSeL Specialist Meeting on Hydrology and Water Resources, Dundee, Scotland, 1993

During the Spring of 1993 my MS Tutor at the University of Gent, Peter Troch, was invited for a presentation in a workshop in Dundee, Scotland.

Peter had a very busy schedule at the time, and Dundee was not really close to Gent.

He then suggested that his two Erasmus students (Ugo Bacchiega and myself), who were in the final steps of their dissertation work, could take his place and present our work at the workshop.

So we went, and gave a presentation on “GIS-based integration of SAR remote sensing and distributed hydrologic modelling for surface soil moisture estimation”.

I have always thanked Peter for this opportunity.

The trip do Dundee was indeed very long (ferry boat + train!), but the experience was very educational.