Category Archives: In the media

Nov. 21, 2018: brief Talk on bottom-up Activities at the Workshop on Citizen Science and Environmental Monitoring: Benefits and Challenges

A one-page presentation of the network activities, in particular with reference to the collaboration with the Farma Valley, Tuscany, communities and the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band was included in the scene setting presentations of a workshop on Citizen Science and Environmental Monitoring: Benefits and Challenges held on Nov. 21-22 at the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy.

You will find the slide at the end of a long but interesting series on this page, or -if you are in a hurry- in the screenshot below. You may also check out the 2018 activity summary (4-page PDF), if you would like to learn more.

Thanks again to Marina Manzoni for the invitation.

Nov. 16, 2018: -A milder climate and artificial lighting alter tree resting

With and interview to Luciano Massetti (National Research Council Institute of Biometeorology), with whom we collaborate since 2014 on the BuioMetria Partecipativa project.

For more information:

Nov. 15, 2018- Do artificial lights alter the “rest” of the trees? (Italian Research Council press release)

This is a press release by the Italian Research Council, presenting the publication by Luciano Massetti about “Assessing the impact of street lighting on Platanus x acerifolia phenology” Published on Urban Forestry & Urban Greening in August 2018.

The press release was abridged by some national media,  not mentioning the other organisations with which CNR IBIMET collaborates on the topic of light pollution (namely, the University of Pisa and the BuioMetria Partecipativa project).

Find here the full press release (in Italian, for the moment).

Platanus x acerifolia under street lights (source: CNR)

Nov. 14, 2018 – BuioMetria 2018: the Countdown starts with Amish from Jack White (Il Tirreno Grosseto edition)

This is an Italian newspaper, but the title might be a Blade Runner-like neolanguage, considering “con” as the English adjective, “il” for “Illinois” and “parte” as a typo or a creole version for  “party”.

Dario Canal and his Detroit friend, Alessio Ritchie, have the onus and bonus of opening the countdown to the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest.