Category Archives: In the media

May 9, 2020 – Interview with Jack O’Malley @ Se Telefonando

Almost half an hour with an interview (in Italian) by Linda Linz from Radio Rogna to Jack O’Malley.

Jack O’Malley in una recente shot with Mauro Tirannosauro

From this you may discover almost all of the stream of activities which brought to the Jug Band Colline Metallifere, with roots in the mid-Nineties, up to the Participatory Lithology project, born during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Going through: Politecnico di Milano, Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna (CRS4), CH2M HILL (now Jacobs), Caffè Ricasoli in Grosseto, Etruschi from Lakota, Farma Valley Winter Fest, conference in Genva, International Open Data Day, Circolo ARCI di Castelnuovo Val di Cecina, Community Maps, Ganesh Pomarance, Bar Moderno Roccastrada and various characters met along the way, with a highlight on Mauro Tirannosauro.

At the end of the interview, the second version of “Rock in Milano, Blues at la Rocca” (video to be issued on May 16).

This interview is the follow up to an initial interview in March 2019 where Jack briefly explained the concept of geomusic.

Apr. 13, 2020:Participatory Geology project in time of Covid-19 | Italy

An article on Participatory Lithology for the Culture360 site of the Asia-Europe Foundation:

Note: the article was sent to ASEF on March 25, so it does not account for various developments occurred over the following couple of weeks, but it is perfect as an introduction.

For updated news:

Lithology: Public and Geologists Collaborate (Science Connected, Apr. 13, 2020)

An article by Andrea Giacomelli (pseudonym used by Jack O’Malley when he plays as environmental engineer) about the Participatory Lithology project, written for Science Connected Magazine:

Per more information:

Participatory Lithology presented on

S+T+ARTS is a European Union initiative focused on the promotion of projects where science, technology, and arts are integrated to raise awareness of the societal challenges and global concerns we are facing (see the site for details). published an article about participatory lithology, presenting it as ” a rocky initiative launched by network” (and with the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band side of our project we are honoured about the “rocky” reference).

The article is availavble from this link.

For more information: or