Category Archives: International

Interview for “The Florentine” on the 2012 flooding in Albinia (Southern Tuscany)

theflorentine-allIn early 2013, following a talk I gave in Manciano, Southern Tuscany, on Mapp(ear)ing Maremma in December 2012, I was contacted by The Florentine to answer some questions about a recent flooding event in Albinia, a small village in the plain of the Albegna river.

Initially I was surprised of being contacted to talk about hydrogeologic hazards and extreme event mitigation, on the basis of a presentation where I was talking about participatory mapping and light pollution. Nevertheless, I went back to my notions about “water flowing without pipes”, as I call Hydrology, and I gave my fair input to the magazine.

The interview is available online (I found out in June 2015), and is called: Water, water, water everywhere

July, 2007: Comcast Sports News covers Palla a 21 in Chicago

During our “palla a 21 from Tuscany to Chicago” mission, Comcast Sports News covered the story. They promised that they would send us a DVD copy of the report, but this never happened.

However, during an evening chill-out session in a Chicago bar, we actually saw the report being broadcast, and having a camcorder at hand we managed to record most of it from the screen. You can see it at 22’47” of our documentary.

For more information