I supported a consulting company, providing a fast-track GPS survey plan (concerning approximately 30000 points of interest on half of an Italian region), and subsequently handled the post-processing of the collected data to create geographic data layers.
In Krakow, in the context of the INSPIRE Conference, I held the final workshop for the first INSPIRE Mashup, which I organized on behalf of the European Commission.
[blog post added on July 25, 2015. The official version of this article, in Italian, is available from the official archives of the Geomedia magazine, which I thank once more for hosting it. The article was written sometime between December 2009 and January 2010 and was, in fact, published after I left GFOSS.it. One of the pictures has been replaced since it was lost during a server migration in 2019.]
by Andrea Giacomelli
The article gives an overview of my three years of activity in the Italian association for free geographic information (GFOSS.it). Albeit with some organizational constraints, the free/open source geomatic sector is growing. 2010 represents a pivotal moment for the association: in addition to the election of a new board, this is also the year when the FOSS4G conference, the main global event on free/open geospatial technologies will come back to Europe.
In 1998 Eric S. Raymond, a software programmer, wrote an essay called “The Cathedral and the Bazaar”. In this work he compared the development model of proprietary software (the cathedral) to that of free software (the bazaar), and he indicated that the bazar was the desireable model.
The Italian association for free geographic information (GFOSS.it) started to operate in February 2007 and placed itself, in its own way, between the cathedral and the bazaar.
In fact, a strong emphasis has been placed to “stay out there” (some said “to be far out”) and to comunicate with…anybody. In almost three years we created dozens of events from Bolzano, in the deep North of Italy, to Matera, in the deep South. We engaged people in creative situations, but we also had a part in institutional events. We invited to participate blind people, and people behind blinds, common citizens, and Commons without citizens, and we liaised with international organizations active in the same topics. We proposed our story seamlessly across different media: web, press, radio, videos, photography.
Next to the fieldwork, GFOSS.it represented a context for aggregation and, for those who were interested in seeing this opportunity, a context for a debate on professional topics, such as new licenses, education paradigms, and business conduct.
Among other subjects, a lot of attention was dedicated to open data, especially with a lot of promotional activities for OpenStreetMap (OSM) in 2008.
The interaction with the OpenStreetMap community turned out to be extremely interesting. On one side it helped me to define new concepts and terms concerning the relationship between citizens and the space around them. I created the term m(‘)appare in 2008 for the m(‘)appare Milano campaign. On the other side, the dynamics which emerged interacting with the Italian OSM community made us think a lot about the neogeographic side of volunteered geographic information movements, and we are still trying to make ends meet in this respect. Finally, GFOSS.it also gave a substantial support to the growth of software projects, as without software there wouldn’t be much to do on data.
In the first months of the second decade of the third millennium the association is facing an important moment in a peculiar year.
The importance of this moment is given by the fact that the GFOSS.it board will be renewed, with new folks and new energies to run the association. The peculiarity of the year is given by approach on our continent (in Barcelona, Catalunya) of the FOSS4G conference. This is a global event where several hundreds of people are expected, all united under the aegis of open geographic data and free software.
So, what may happen, in this context?
I wish that the efforts and the investments made in the past three years will be of use as foundation blocks. At times my feeling is that, rather than a bazaar- the dimension of Italian free software is more like a small parish (if we like the idea of metaphors in line with a cathedral). At the same time, evidence and results obtained show an objectively good technology level, a trend in the spread of free/open systems and, thus, a clear opportunity for growth and maturity in this sector.
What are the possible developments?
GFOSS.it will surely undergo a transition. The Barcelona event will represent a very high-level attractor, but for some local actors it may be more of a joyride than an actual help. What cannot be denied in Italy is the grassroots presence of about three hundred associations related, to various extents, to the idea of digital rights and digital freedom, and these are the grounds on which I would like to develop my upcoming work.
In practice, through GFOSS.it I invited last January in Bologna representatives of various associations for a first joint meeting, with the idea of defining together initiatives for future collaboration. I threw a pebble in the pond. We will see if the ripples will propagate through it, especially with the next Linux Day (October 23) as an ideal joint milestone.
Eric S. Raymond is American. I am European, and have lived most of my time in Mediterranean countries: I know beautiful cathedrals, impressive mosques, and other manufacts. At the same time, I end up quite often in very lively bazaars (essentially: every time I go for grocery in any neighbourhood market in Italy).
I like to think that the model which I triggered three years ago in the GFOSS.it context represents an attempt to connect the cathedral to the bazaar, and I will keep on working in this direction.
This was a part of the notes from the meeting held on Jan. 17, 2010, in Bologna Italy, between GFOSS.it (the Italian OSGEO chapter), and Assoli (the main Italian association promoting free/open-source software). The scope of the meeting, which I proposed, was to evaluate a potential roadmap to merge these two associations in a single entity. At the time I was acting a GFOSS.it vice-president and communications manager. To know what was in the blurred parts, please write to micalosapevo@pibinko.org.
Definition of fast-track procedures for the GPS survey of a large number of points of interest (approx. 30000 over a large area, about half of an Italian region)
postprocessing of the data for the generation of a GIS database
recruitment of surveyors for the execution of the work
This is a ballad composed after the GFOSS Day in Bolzano (November, 2009), and after a long year of interactions with folks in Italy who were deeply engaged in Volunteered Geographic Information and the like. The lyrics start with a super-geek flair, and eventually start to make sense towards the end. Try this at around 80 BPM with tunes similar to an slow romantic ballad.
Testi di Andrea Giacomelli (pibinko) - Musiche: [da identificare]
Se tu prendi un vettore e ci applichi un buffer
quello che poi succede, no, tu non lo sai
e se carichi un raster e gli dai un po' di r.cluster
quello che poi si vede non lo immaginerai
perché sei...un neogeografo
perché sei...un neogeografo
vai a seguire un corso a pagamento
fai una laurea breve come buon investimento
ma lui no, non capisce, vede il mondo e reagisce
e poi arriva la sera e non spegne il PC
parte in quarta di mappa
ed è bello sognare che se tiri le righe
poi il mondo sorride
perché sei...un neogeografo
perché sei...un neogeografo
pensa se non c'era il gipiesse
ti toccava il teodolite per tirar le stesse!
poi quel giorno di ottobre accese l'interruttore
e fu qualcosa di strano che si verificò
dove c'era lo schermo, sì, con tanti colori
solo un vetro grigio e, riflesso, il suo viso
era solo la spina staccata
ma colse l'occasione e andò a ffa' 'na passeggiata...
perché era un neogeografo....
...era un neogeografo....
....era un neogeografo... (ad libitum)
I developed a software-based support tool for the monitoring of a programme for stormwater management of a large industrial installation (involving over 150 projects for a total amount of approximately 320 MEur over a period of 5 years)