Category Archives: Must see

Palla a 21 (or palla eh!)

Palla a 21 (or palla eh!) is an ancient hand ball game. It is currently played in six tiny hamlets in Southern Tuscany, between Siena and Grosseto, in Ciciano, Piloni, Scalvaia, Tirli, Torniella, and Vetulonia. is developing the activities promoted by between 2011 and 2018, and started by a more informal version of the network in 2007-2008 with the extremely creative palla a 21 in Chicago project, and the subsequent photo exhibitions in Ribolla and San Francisco, including a photo contest.

In addition to the promotion of the game during the Summer tournaments (July-August), has been managing some specific initiatives about the game. All of these have been conducted together with the communities where the game is played.

For more information about the game you may also check the related wikipedia page, but we encourage you to review our list of blog posts on the palla topic (and reload the page to see the items in a different order):

BuioMetria Partecipativa

Participatory night sky quality monitoring….

For more information:

A listing in random order of all articles about BuioMetria Partecipativa from the News section, since 2008 (reload this page to see a different ordering):

More details on…

In this section you will find in-depth information on some of the projects and initiatives I consider most significant.

The creation of this section of the site is in progress.

Furthermore, you may review the full list of projects completed:


In this section you can see places where I have been active with projects and events.

The locations are classified in four categories, from “local” to “global”, and considering the hub in the Metalliferous Hills of Southern Tuscany, about two hours South of Florence (or three hours North of Rome).
Then again, it is not infrequent to find “global” aspects of “local” operations and vice versa. Clisk on an item below to see a more detailed list:


  • Torniella
  • Tatti
  • Piloni
  • Scalvaia
  • Vetulonia
  • Boccheggiano
  • Potassa
  • Monticiano
  • Roccastrada
  • Massa Marittima
  • Gavorrano
  • Scarlino
  • Montieri
  • Castiglione della Pescaia
  • Grosseto
  • Firenze
  • Livorno
  • Pontedera (Pisa)
  • Pistoia
  • Montemerano
  • Pomarance
  • Castelnuovo Val di Cecina
  • Magliano in Toscana
  • Roccalbegna

Italy (except Tuscany)

  • Alghero
  • Ancona
  • Bari
  • Bolzano
  • Bologna
  • Brescia
  • Busto Garolfo (MI)
  • Cagliari
  • Civitanova Marche (MC)
  • Como
  • Genova
  • Ispra (VA)
  • Laterza (TA)
  • Matera
  • Mezzago (MI)
  • Milano
  • Napoli
  • Palermo
  • Perugia
  • Porto Torres (SS)
  • Roma
  • Rho (MI)
  • Sassari
  • Torino


  • France
  • Germany
  • United Kingdom
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Croatia
  • The Netherlands
  • Eire
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Norway
  • Switzerland
  • Poland
  • Greece
  • Romania
  • Bulgaria
  • Hungary

Out of Europe (landing pages to be translated)