Category Archives: Photos

Moonshine in Certopiano (Farma Valley, Southern Tuscany)

[click on the image for a higher resolution version…you will appreciate Orion about to set on Montalto]


  • Around 4.45AM, Dec. 13, 2016, temperature -1 °C
  • Moonshine: circa 0.2 lux (very sharp shadows and colour perception)
  • Single shot with a Canon EOS 550D. 10-second exposure, 6400 ASA.
  • various photographic issues may be improved (but hey: we’re on day -4 to the Farma Valley Winter Fest, so please allow us some license to thrill)

From Linden Street to the Linden farm

After an early departure from Linden Street, in Calcinaia,. not far from Pisa, I ended up at a farm house called “The linden”, which happens to be the home base of Etruschi from Lakota, currently rehearsing their next album, here with Tom from Cuneo on harp:

Etruschi from Lakota live @ Scuderie Bicocchi, Pomarance, Tuscany

October 21, 2016.


Etruschi from Lakota are a young Rock Band from Montecastelli Pisano, Southern Tuscany, Italy. They grew up on rock influences, both Italian and English, but eventually wrote a lot of their own songs (they are now in the process of completing their third album, since 2013).

Many of their songs are about their land and issues related to rural society, so in a way they are a natural soundtrack for some of the projects I work on (about land and issues in rural societies), plus, we live not far away, so I like to follow them when I can…in this case between two meetings.

If you are curious, last year I also produced a video during one of their rehearsal sessions, and you will find more about them here