Category Archives: Projects

The revision of the trekking network in Castelnuovo Val di Cecina, Tuscany

In collaboration with IRIS Ambiente:


A presentation of the project for the Municipality of Castelnuovo Val di Cecina, South of Pisa, concerning the revision of some 80 km of trekking network.

The project implied a series of GPS surveys, the creation of a GIS data set combining the survey with pre-existing cartography, update photographic documentation, and the creation of a maintenance plan highlighting priority actions and more long-term activities for the promotion of the network.

For more information:


The “ricette bòne” blog

“Bòno” is the pronounciation of buono in central Italy for “buono” (good, nice). So this is the blog for yummy Southern Tuscan recipes from my aunt Eda…some sixty recommendations, classified by main ingredients and difficulty of execution.

The project had an educational component, since it was her who actually wrote the blog articles (I just did some editing).