Category Archives: Videos

Geomatics and music at FOSS4G-IT in Genova, Italy

With pibinko, Carlo Nardi, and some of Etruschi from Lakota we presented at FOSS4G-IT 2017 a poster on “Analysis of socio-economic benefits of Earth Observation methods with a free/open source approach: a case study between Southern Tuscany and Europe“.

I have been interacting now almost two years with a team which partly does geomatics and land planning, and partly writes music about their territories…are we on the verge of geomusic? or of musimatics? Only playing will tell.

Two of the co-authors, Luigi Ciampini and Pietro Marini, were missing in action (for today).

Some highlights of the presentation

The warm-up during the “ birthday”, with some riffs following After Dark by Tito & the Tarantulas.

…zzogiorno di grano (See the full version from another set Mezzogiorno di grano)

Corn Flakes (see official video)

Kudos by Domenico Sguerso