Category Archives: Videos

Palla 21 from Tuscany to Chicago and back / The documentary

52 minutes – edited between the return from Chicago (July 21, 2007) and the dinner at the Palla 21 tournament in Torniella (the second or third Sunday of August 2007), to be screened as a backdrop on that occasion. Watching it some years after, we could cut if by 15 minutes…but, ok…for now no “director’s cut”. We do have a three-minute trailer, however.

If you like rock-blues, you will love the soundtrack, kindly provide by Lubriphonics (unfortunately no longer active in this formation). For more information:

The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies (Italy, 2007)

The movie is subtitled in English. In addition to the movie, you may want to check out…