Category Archives: Videos

Waiting for the Farma Valley Winter Fest in Madrid

As per the promotion plan of the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest (in Southern Tuscany Dec 14-16, this year also hosting the Tuscan conference of amateur astronomer associations, including some international guests), we have an event scheduled for tomorrow (Saturday, Dec. 1, 2018) in Madrid, Spain.

The situation is kind of fluid, but not chaotic: at present the venue and the time are not yet defined. However this is an event taking shape a long way from home, and in a city where I was last time in 2004. So bear with me if some details will arrive last minute. For the moment I can say the event will be after 8PM.

Should you be in Madrid, and interested in participating, please write to to have more details as soon as they are available, or check the section during the afternoon of Saturday.

If you are interested in the Farma Valley Winter Fest (Southern Tuscany, Dec. 14-16 2018), please check:  , noting that not all content is available in English, as per this note.

Meanwhile, some cool live music (in addition to the  Seguridad Social, branobag).