Come to the “Sa Lorenzo” night, to measure night sky quality (and count shooting stars) with BuioMetria Partecipativa

This is the only August event for the BuioMetria Partecipativa project.

Three Sky Quality Metres from the instrument pool will be made available to experienced or apprentice citizen scientists, in order to take measurements of skyglow in one of the darkest areas in Italy, South of Siena, and integrating existing measurements collected since 2008.


The event is mostly targeted to Italian tourists and residents, but if you like the idea of participating and mixing with the locals, you are more than welcome.

Please send an e-mail to, and we will be glad to give you more information.

In case of rain or cloud cover the event will be reconfigured for indoor activities, with presentations, stories from Southern Tuscany and more interesting anecdotes, all with a bottle of your favourite drink.

The event is organized by