Dec. 14-16, 2018: 3rd Farma Valley Winter Fest, Southern Tuscany

We are finalizing the program for the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest.

This is an event connecting culture, environment, open innovation, and the Farma Valley, a lesser known location in Tuscany, South of Siena.

The festival has been created by a team, composed by professionals and local associations, who started in 2007 to promote rural areas in an interdisciplinary way. You may find a good introduction to our story in  this article from Langscape Magazine. You may also check out the sections of the site for other collateral information.

To get a feel for the two past editions of the Farma Valley Winter Fest you may also check some blog posts about the festival. For enquiries, or to send expressions of interest to be part of the Festival (helping out or proposing ideas):