Jan. 23, 2017: Pula and Cagliari – lecture on “Participatory methods for protection and promotion of territories with an S in their name”

[TO BE TRANSLATED] Lunedì 23 gennaio 2017 si apre il momento cagliaritano della missione per m(‘)appare la Sardegna e riproporre esperienze di BuioMetria Partecipativa dopo gli eventi del 2008 e del 2012 (vedi: presentazione dell’iniziativa dell’11 gennaio scorso). Dopo un arrivo a Sassari venerdì pomeriggio reso complesso -ma non complicato- dalla stagione invernale, e un momento … Continue reading Jan. 23, 2017: Pula and Cagliari – lecture on “Participatory methods for protection and promotion of territories with an S in their name”

Alone, in a Group, or with your Horse: so the Twist becomes Joy without Borders (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)

The online versione of the article by Luca Barbieri is on the Il Tirreno web site, together with a video to become part of the Summer edition of the song. Below we are providing a fast-track translation of the main article. The second article by Sara Landi provides more general background on the pibinko.org network … Continue reading Alone, in a Group, or with your Horse: so the Twist becomes Joy without Borders (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)

May 3, 2019, Alghero (Sardinia): Talk on the Alteration of Light at Night and Marine Life at the Faculty of Architecture with the Lab Boat

As a spin-off of the March 13 workshop at the Osservatorio Ximeniano in Florence, Elena Maggi received and invitation to present the activities by the University of Pisa in the context of the interdisciplinary protection and promotion of the night sky work which is happening with the BuioMetria Partecipativa project and with the National Research … Continue reading May 3, 2019, Alghero (Sardinia): Talk on the Alteration of Light at Night and Marine Life at the Faculty of Architecture with the Lab Boat

Support to Legislation and Policy Making

Since 2004 I have periodically participated to initiatives or actual projects related to the definition of policies and regulations at different territorial scales, from municipal to global. Local (municipal) level I attended various participatory design initiatives related to environmental or land planning issues in Cagliari (Sardinia), Gavorrano, Scarlino, and Roccastrada (Tuscany). Since 2004. In 2015, … Continue reading Support to Legislation and Policy Making


PORGEP stands for pibinko.org Exchange Program, or “programma di scambio pibinko.org” in Italian. This idea was started in a non-casual manner in 2006. The concept is to create a situation where at least three subjects meet, having some affinities and some strong differences, but with a common goal of personal growth. The outcome can be … Continue reading PORGEP

BuioMetria Partecipativa once more touring Sardinia (starting from Tuscany), after four years

La BuioMetria Partecipativa è un progetto nato nel febbraio 2008, inizialmente per svolgere attività parallele di tutela e valorizzazione del cielo notturno su scala nazionale, e gradualmente maturato sia dal punto di vista delle reti coinvolte (non solo appassionati del cielo, ma cittadini di tanti tipi), che della scala territoriale (progetti europei). Essendo uno dei … Continue reading BuioMetria Partecipativa once more touring Sardinia (starting from Tuscany), after four years

The ASITA 2015 final program in a nutshell, according to pibinko

In Italy we say “Your first love is never forgotten”. This applies also to conferences. The first event which I attended as my own business decision, and not because somebody told me was the 1997 edition of the ASITA national conference. ASITA is an association resulting from the joint venture of four national association focused … Continue reading The ASITA 2015 final program in a nutshell, according to pibinko