Is it better to live in Scansano or Manciano?

For more information: or +393317539228 E’ meglio stare a Scansano o a Manciano? by Andrea Giacomelli, Elino Rossi, Fernando Tizzi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Closing the + Winter tour (from the Farma Valley in eight regions) at Fa’ la Cosa Giusta

Saturday March 11 the presentation given a Fa’ la Cosa Giusta (the largest Italian fair on sustainable lifestyles) about participatory mapping closed the Winter tour by & fifteen events between mid-December and mid-March, with presentation in four Italian regions, and scouting missions in four more (including Côte d’Azur, Corsica, and Sardinia). The tour … Continue reading Closing the + Winter tour (from the Farma Valley in eight regions) at Fa’ la Cosa Giusta

Photos and videos from the three-day tour during the International Open Data Day in Southern Tuscany

Highlights of the three-day set of events related to our Southern Tuscan participation to the International Open Data Day. Kudos for the three-day marathon go to: Matteo Ceriola, Luca Pau from the “La Posta” cafe, Fernando Tizzi, Elino Rossi, Mario Straccali, Luigi Ciampini, Pietro Marini, Dario Canal, Simone Sandrucci, Pietro Crivelli, Wolfgang Scheibe, Enrico and the … Continue reading Photos and videos from the three-day tour during the International Open Data Day in Southern Tuscany

Impromptu poets from Sardinia and Tuscany at my grandma’s place in Scansano

In a non-casual combination of events, on the afternoon of April 30, 2011, my grandmother, Andreina, hosted in her living room in Scansano (Southern Tuscany) some impromptu poets. We had the Tenores (throat singers) from Orgosolo, two local poets (Elino Rossi and Fernando Tizzi), some singers from Sinnai (close to Cagliari) and a couple of … Continue reading Impromptu poets from Sardinia and Tuscany at my grandma’s place in Scansano