Also Castelfiorentino is in the Heart of Tuscany

Jennifer the Verona Reindeer and Mauro Tirannosauro have ascertained it beyond any reasonable doubt. Also Castelfiorentino, close to Florence, is “in the heart of Tuscany”. Help us to draw the perimeter of this great big hear by letting us know about locations to or +33317539228. For the moment the heart of Tuscany is looking … Continue reading Also Castelfiorentino is in the Heart of Tuscany

Forestano’s House in Tatti, Southern Tuscany

Forestano Giacomelli built this house between the late Forties and the early Fifites, together with his father-in-law, Tommaso (Maso) and his wife, Maddalena. He lived there until 1954, when unfortunately his wife passed away. After his retirement, and until he was able to travel and work, Forestano took care of the house. One of the garages … Continue reading Forestano’s House in Tatti, Southern Tuscany

The “Lavorare! con lentezza” T-shirts at work

In this photo testimonial, one of the components of the Palaiola Crew at work Valdera, in the heart of Tuscany, a few days ago. To order one of these limited edition Jug Band Colline Metallifere hand-made shirts, please click here: entro il 10 novembre.

Alberico Mattei

He is a photographer born in Rome, and living in Southern Tuscany since 2014. In his portfolio he has several international projects, including an exhibition following a six-month mission in the heart of the Amazon basin. Website: Instagram: #albericomattei


please note: Videos for the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band (Jug Band Colline Metallifere) are proposed in a dedicate page on the JBCM web site: Shorts, in reverse date order. Nine videos are co-productions (with: Lucio Monocrom, Orsola Sinisi, Francesco Giubbilini, Manuel Schianchi). Some videos are, intentionally, “lo-fi”, instant productions. Others follow a detailed production … Continue reading Videos

Jan 23, 2019: The “Jug Band” sings geomusic: a new artistic genre is born (La Nazione, Pontedera edition)

Original article by Ilenia Pistolesi (see source). Translation by Andrea Giacomelli. Please also see the blog post with the full presentation which inspired the article, or write to for more information. Cecina Valley (Pisa), Jan. 23, 2019. Environment, land, and rural development. These are crucial topics, normally discussed in round tables by political … Continue reading Jan 23, 2019: The “Jug Band” sings geomusic: a new artistic genre is born (La Nazione, Pontedera edition)