Jan. 20, 2024 – Roccalbegna (Tuscany) – Ci.r.co.l.a.re Project Presentation feat. Jack O’Malley with music & territory

Folllowing the events on Aug. 19 in Magliano in Toscana (link in Italian) and on Oct. 16 in Montemerano (link in Italia) -with a Dec. 21 addendum- we are glad to announce the next collaboration of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere with the Ci.r.co.l.a.re. project: On this round, we will have Andrea Giacomelli, in his … Continue reading Jan. 20, 2024 – Roccalbegna (Tuscany) – Ci.r.co.l.a.re Project Presentation feat. Jack O’Malley with music & territory

May 9, 2020 – Interview with Jack O’Malley @ Se Telefonando

Almost half an hour with an interview (in Italian) by Linda Linz from Radio Rogna to Jack O’Malley. From this you may discover almost all of the stream of activities which brought to the Jug Band Colline Metallifere, with roots in the mid-Nineties, up to the Participatory Lithology project, born during the first phase of … Continue reading May 9, 2020 – Interview with Jack O’Malley @ Se Telefonando

Jack O’Malley

This is Andrea Giacomelli’s nickname for musical stuff. Jack is one of the creators of the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band (i.e. Jug Band dalle Colline Metallifere project. This is an inter-generational and international collective based in Southern Tuscany, started in March 2017, as a development of multiple years of activity in outreach and community engagement … Continue reading Jack O’Malley

March 5, 2019 – Jack O’Malley speaks about Geomusic for “In Aria” (Radio Rogna)

From 7’38” for three minutes you can listen to Jack O’Malley explaining (in Italian) how the idea of “geomusic” was born and how he is working on this with the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band. Jack then introduces a song on the subject of dreams. Kudos to Linda for the invitation! Here is a transcript: Hi … Continue reading March 5, 2019 – Jack O’Malley speaks about Geomusic for “In Aria” (Radio Rogna)

Jack O’Malley explains how crowdfunding might work for a JBCM buiomusical tour (Madrid, Dec. 1, 2018)

This video was shot by the Stars4all European project team during a crowdfunding workshop which they held from Nov. 30 to Dec. 1, 2018, at the Madrid, Spain,European Business School (ESCP). After an introductory day, each participant was asked to present a crowdfunding project dealing with awareness raising and promotion of night skies. Andrea Giacomelli, … Continue reading Jack O’Malley explains how crowdfunding might work for a JBCM buiomusical tour (Madrid, Dec. 1, 2018)

Mar. 16, 2019 / Amish from Jack White & Friends @ Dribbling Bar Grosseto, Tuscany

Also featuring Jack O’Malley and Wolfgang Scheibe from the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band Gli Amish from Jack White sono un progetto nato un paio di anni fa dall’incrocio fra Dario Canal, frontman degli Etruschi from Lakota, e Alessio Ricci, chitarrista dei Crimson Thunder di Piombino. Galeotto fu il teatro, e dopo la collaborazione nella preparazione … Continue reading Mar. 16, 2019 / Amish from Jack White & Friends @ Dribbling Bar Grosseto, Tuscany