A Year in Review with the pibinko.org Network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere

We have only one event left to close one year of work with the pibinko.org network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere: this will be the epilogue of the Fourth Winter Fest, on Dec. 21. We then considered that we might start some housekeeping, by offering you a bird’s eye view on the blog articles … Continue reading A Year in Review with the pibinko.org Network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere

The pibinko.org Network on Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation: our Services (Feb. 2022)

Since 1994, across different Italian regions and internationally, we have developed a combination of technical, management and creative skills and have worked with an extremely diverse client base, as demonstrated by our project portfolio. In parallel, we have created a list of qualified suppliers and contractors, while personally providing quality control and project management: “pibinko” … Continue reading The pibinko.org Network on Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation: our Services (Feb. 2022)

Alberico Mattei

He is a photographer born in Rome, and living in Southern Tuscany since 2014. In his portfolio he has several international projects, including an exhibition following a six-month mission in the heart of the Amazon basin. Website: http://www.albericomattei.com Instagram: #albericomattei

Ricette Bone (Yummy recipes)

Tuscan recipes suggested by Aunt Eda in the Winter of 2010-2011. Available at present in Italian… Pescando dall’elenco completo che trovate in fondo a questo articolo (ogni volta che si ricarica la pagina l’ordine cambia) Per categoria: Difficoltà: Facile Media Difficile Tempo di preparazione: Veloce Medio Lungo Altre categorie Antipasto, Contorno, Primo, Secondo, Sottolio, Vegetariano, Dolce … Continue reading Ricette Bone (Yummy recipes)

Presentation of the pibinko.org Network in Brussels (May 22, 2019): How did it go?

Last Wednesday, after close-of-business on a workshop for research ethics in the Internet sector, I had the possibility of organizing a brief yet intense presentation of the pibinko.org network at Piola Libry, in Brussels, Belgium. This followed our participation in early April to the final conference of the DITOs project, and various on- and off-line … Continue reading Presentation of the pibinko.org Network in Brussels (May 22, 2019): How did it go?

The catalog of the pibinko.org travelling micro-museum, Hotel Lombardi versio, Florence.

To be translated Questa e’ la parte sostanziale dell’allestimento del micromuseo itinerante di pibinko.org per il 23/2/2019 all’Hotel Lombardi di Firenze (vedi articolo). Il catalogo completo e’ disponibile su ordinazione, in edizione sia digitale che cartacea, al costo di Euro 750 (comprensivi di tutti gli oneri fiscali) piu’ eventuali spese di spedizione. NOTA 5/3/2019 – … Continue reading The catalog of the pibinko.org travelling micro-museum, Hotel Lombardi versio, Florence.

Loriano Bartoli’s Farm

Running his family farm of 15 hectares close to Cala Violina, Southern Tuscany, one of the best beaches in continental Italy. He produces wine, honey, jams, juices (including a very rare strawberry juice) and in-oil vegetables. http://www.bartolionline.it/

Highlights from the Sep. 21 event at the Belagaio, Tuscany, State Reserve on protection and promotion of dark sky areas

The event was managed by the Carabinieri Biodiversity Unit from Follonica in collaboration with Attivarti.org a full presentation of the event and an explanation for the choice of the site is given here. The event was also the opportunity to re-open the visitor center of the reserve (called “Casa Nova”), which had been closed for about two … Continue reading Highlights from the Sep. 21 event at the Belagaio, Tuscany, State Reserve on protection and promotion of dark sky areas

A report about the radio show talking about “m(‘)appare” /mapp(‘ere)ing

For all of the Italian audience, please check out the podcast. The radio show was proposed to (1) launch the lecture scheduled for the afternoon of the same day at the Institute of Hydraulics at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, and (2) do some live tasting of genuine products from Southern Tuscany. If you are in … Continue reading A report about the radio show talking about “m(‘)appare” /mapp(‘ere)ing