Zen, one of the “tre cani rossi” (three red dogs) visiting La Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany

Following the presentation of the “Tre cani rossi” wine by Az. Agricola I Cipressi in Capannoli (Pisa) at Bar Vineria La Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany, half way between Siena and Grosseto, on Aug. 20, and following the testimonial by Claudio “Bob” Spinosi, today it was no less then Zen, one of the actual three red … Continue reading Zen, one of the “tre cani rossi” (three red dogs) visiting La Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany

Tre Cani Rossi now available at Bar Vineria la Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany

You can now buy “I Tre cani rossi” red wine by Azienda Agricola I Cipressi in Capannoli (Pisa) at Bar Vineria La Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany. This is along the old state road from Grosseto to Siena. The initiative was launched after a double map & wine tasting session in the Farma Valley on … Continue reading Tre Cani Rossi now available at Bar Vineria la Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany