All posts by pibinko

BuioMetria Partecipativa for the Arte Clima project at Sequerciani (Southern Tuscany), Oct. 23, 2022

On Oct. 23, 2022, the Sequerciani farmhouse in Southern Tuscany hosted the “Polyphonic Narratives” event to present the Arte Clima project. There were talks by Ruedi Gerber, Marianne Burki, Li Zhenhua, Bignia Wehrli, Catherine Leutenegger, Liao Wenfeng, Alexandre Joly, Sigfried Zilinski, Andrea Giacomelli, and Frank Hatch.

Below, a moment of the Buiometria Partecipativa activities: Mauro Tirannosauro (who proposed in the past his Seeing the Milky Way by Day single to promote BuioMetria Partecipativa and night sky quality) is here with Matteo Verniani with a lux meter in the lawns by the farmhouse, at the end of the participatory measurements.

For more information on Arte Clima:

For more information on BuioMetria Partecipativa:, or