After the first mission to Naples (Dec. 30, 2006-Jan. 2, 2007 – see this video), pibinko decided to go back at the very beginning of 2019 (the departure from Tuscany was with a night train from Grosseto around 2AM on Jan 1).
The mission ended on Jan. 3, 2019, and for this reason we are publishing a selection of shots today.
After the list of the articles published during 2023 (click here) for the lovers of verbosityDopo la lista degli articoli pubblicati durante il 2023 (in effetti al 20-12- clicca qui), here we go with a more compact view of our past 12 months. The initial idea was to select six shots per month, out of 6101 photos we have, and then make a 72-second video with a laid back folk-blues soundtrack. Then, since it’s late, we preferred to make a simpler montage:
To see a larger image, do what you will…
With this we wish you the best closing for this 2023 and we will send you an update tomorrow. For more information and booking: or +393317539228.
Passing it on to…
Don’t worry bout me | non preoccuparti per me I’ll find a way | troverò una strada I’ll find a way Oh, I’ll find a way
Always have trouble | sempre problemi Trouble each day | problemi tutti i giorni But I left it all behind | ma me li sono lasciati dietro No more to stay | non ci saranno più That road I still ride | la strada su cui viaggio The wind in my hair | il vento nei capelli It blows away the trouble | porta via i problemi For which I don’t care | di cui non mi curo
Come every Sunday | ogni domenica That ol’ preacher would say | quel vecchio predicatore diceva No joy will you know | non conoscerete alcuna gioia ’til your find your way | fino a che non troverete la vostra strada And I spent many years | e ho passato molto anni Waiting to be free | aspettando di essere libero ‘Til I found the great emancipator was me! | fino a che non ho scoperto che il grande liberatore ero io!
Well there’s rock in the mountain | be’ ci sono rocce sui monti There’s fish in the sea | ci sono pesci nel mare There’s no love left in my |non c’è amore per me Girls heart for me | nel cuore della mia ragazza And the bricks in the road | e il mattoni sulla strada Come from clay in the hills | vengono dall’argilla nei monti Well the end of my girl | be’ la fine della mia ragazza aint the end of my thrill, Oh | non è la fine delle mie emozioni Don’t worry bout me I’ll find a way I’ll find a way Oh, I’ll find a way
Taking no mercy | Trattando tutti male I would lie, I would cheat | mentirei, sarei un falso I leave all my victims | lascio le mie vittime Just laying at my feet | stese ai miei piedi And the dark side of life | e la parte buia della vita Is leading me out | mi sta portando fuori strada But I saw the light | ma ho visto la luce Now those shadows are gone | ora quelle ombre sono sparite
According to the Italian census office (ISTAT), in the early Nineties within the municipality of Milan there were 1500 cows, plus more animals that I do not recall at the time of writing. Thirty years later, at least a couple of roosters remain. We were not able to check if they are little or red, just next to the “imperial cruisers” (the various corporate headquarter offices located in the area. This was around 7AM:
For more stuff relating the network and Milano: (switches to Italian, but you may then re-switch to English if the EN version of an article exists)
In the network this has been a hot topic for some time. After one of the national TV news made a report about this, we could no longer wait. Before some supposedly independent production company started the next hypo-lobotomizing reality show, we considered sharing some hints for some DIY territorial survey.
We noted in Italy that this year there is a mild proliferation of christmas trees which are (1) home-made (2) decorated with crochet-hook works.
We have actually found a few along the Via della Citta Brusca (the link goes to Italian), one of our metà-verse trails. One in Scansano, right in the middle of the Garibaldi square, and one in Torniella. These are places in Souther Tuscany.
We also had a message indicating that another similar tree was covered on national television. If two clues make one piece of evidence, three clues clearly indicate that the time of old-style Christmas trees is closing, while the era of self-made trees is dawning. This has the up-side that knitting and crochet hook are calling for experts with a rather high age, so they can maintain a role in today’s world. This is very, very important.
If you would like to let us know about any hand-made tree, especially with crochet hook works, please write, together with a significant photo, to, or +393317539228.
The survey will close on January 6, 2024 and the results of the survey will be subsequently published on this site.
Jennifer, the psychedelic reindeer, is the latest entry in the crew
We have only one event left to close one year of work with the network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere: this will be the epilogue of the Fourth Winter Fest, on Dec. 21.
In fact, the year of work is not even closing as a year, in that we are somehow following a calendar of our own. Since last Spring we are in a continuous flow of events, initiatives, and planning. This is helping us to actually slow down our pace, since we have more advance time (even though the effect on the outside is that we go too fast). Since last July we are already at work on stuff for the Summer of 2024, and so forth…stay tuned.
The Jug Band Colline Metallifere base quartet. The JBCM is our “performing arts” units (photo credits Elio Bendinelli)
We hope you will enjoy reviewing the list below…feel free to go with random clicks. You will have the possibility of refreshing some stories which you already knew, and to find out things you skipped.
Also, if you like these stories (which are in fact interdisciplinary territorial animation services), please consider the possibility of supporting them, and contact us to understand how. As E.V. from Pisa once said, after spending 24 hours in our space:
They do not live to work. Rather, the do not “work”, but the “live”. They do work, as in physics, not as in economics. Their goal is to be, to be well, and to know it. They pursue this goal for themselves and for the people they care about, who are a lot. They deal with ecology, from any angle, including that of human aggregates, and of aggregates within each of them. They are fractal.
Blog articles in 2023 (as of Dec. 20), in reverse chronological order. The list combines the Italian and English version of our stories (translations are not automated, so we think they should count as an additional article).
With the mapping and surveying activities that we conduct since 2007, we will occasionally stop to eat and drink something. Considering that we are primarily focused on lesser-known territories, we tend to taste products from lesser-known producers.
We occasionally buy some of these products, and bring them to friends and colleagues to taste. Since they liked them, we thought that you might like them too, and this brought to launch the “Jug Trading dalle Colline Metallifere” project as a spin-off of our Jug Band dalle Colline Metallifere music & territory outreach combo.
How are the producers chosen
First of all, do not be mislead by the “Colline Metallifere” in the name. We do not propose just products from the Metalliferous Hills in Southern Tuscany.
A second aspect in our producer selection process, is that they share the activities which we propose as a network or as a band.
In practice, should you visit one of these producers (either to taste their products or to stay in their premises, in case of farm tourism), you will find other people who took part in our community mapping exercises, who have been monitoring night sky quality, who played with us or who made us play. Ultimately: there are people who are affine to the network or to the Jug Band Colline Metallifere.
In addition to yummy products, in the network you will also find interesting recipes (see this link in Italian) and more hints about people and places.
Payments and prices
For each producer you have a link to their catalog and retail prices. Wholesale options are also available offline.
All prices exclude packaging and shipping (please also see “delivery options”)
All payments are made to the producers.
Delivery options
Unless you have the possibility of collecting the products yourself when you visit the producers, there are two options for delivery.
For moderate quantities, the recommended delivery option is that these are brought to you by someone from the network. Since we tend to travel quite a bit, we might be passing by your place soon, and play you a song while we bring you your products. As an alternative, the products can be handled by traditional shipping/delivery services.
In both cases, you will receive through the network a quote for packaging and delivery costs, if necessary.