Sharing the Perception of Credibility in Participatory Investigation

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31544.90884 Recommended soundtrack: Everything is everything. This is the elaboration of a draft presented live at Noisy-Champs, France, in February 2019. This “live poster” was proposed as a way to formalize a method to share the perception of credibility in participatory investigation. A full report of the workshop where this poster was presented is … Continue reading Sharing the Perception of Credibility in Participatory Investigation

P.E.L.P. ep. 5: Naming the first stones, lots of music, and teenage Mauro

While the preparation of the milestone event for our little participatory lithology exercise [1] is under way…. is flowing, both in the form of our Lithobags, and thanks to Pietro “Raman” Crivelli from Piloni (Southern Tuscany). Peter is sending us before sunset either a song or a painting (e does both), asking to republish … Continue reading P.E.L.P. ep. 5: Naming the first stones, lots of music, and teenage Mauro

Here come the first participatory lithology samples with a name

[Recommended music for this article: Movin’ on Up, from the Mar. 26, 2019 branobag] Our “little participatory lithology exercise, started on March 21 from Tatti, Southern Tuscany by the pibinko. org network, the Jug Band Colline Metallifere, with geologists from various regions to classify domestic mineral collections is developing. The workflow requires for each sample: … Continue reading Here come the first participatory lithology samples with a name

The Network

The network is composed by pibinko and various subjects (see this link for a full list). The network works on projects which are documented on the site. Namely, networked activities started around Fall 2006. Since March 2019 a second web site has been opened to present the work of the Jug Band Colline … Continue reading The Network

Lectures on the Application of Participatory Methods for the Design of Interdisciplinary Activities for the Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky (Spring 2020)

TO BE TRANSLATED Il 23 marzo e 16 aprile 2020 ho tenuto un corso integrativo sull’Applicazione di metodi partecipati alla progettazione di interventi di tutela e valorizzazione interdisciplinare del cielo notturno per gli studenti del corso di Composizione Architettonica per la Laurea in Ingegneria Edile-Architettura dell’Università di Brescia (docente prof. Olivia Longo). Il corso ha … Continue reading Lectures on the Application of Participatory Methods for the Design of Interdisciplinary Activities for the Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky (Spring 2020)

Apr. 13, 2020:Participatory Geology project in time of Covid-19 | Italy

An article on Participatory Lithology for the Culture360 site of the Asia-Europe Foundation: Note: the article was sent to ASEF on March 25, so it does not account for various developments occurred over the following couple of weeks, but it is perfect as an introduction. For updated news: “Science” version: “Arts” version”: … Continue reading Apr. 13, 2020:Participatory Geology project in time of Covid-19 | Italy

Lithology: Public and Geologists Collaborate (Science Connected, Apr. 13, 2020)

An article by Andrea Giacomelli (pseudonym used by Jack O’Malley when he plays as environmental engineer) about the Participatory Lithology project, written for Science Connected Magazine: Per more information: Science” version: “Arts” version”: Other information and booking: