
Since 1994, across different Italian regions and internationally, we have developed a combination of technical, management and creative skills and have worked with an extremely diverse client base, as demonstrated by our project portfolio. In parallel, we have created a list of qualified suppliers and contractors, while personally providing quality control and project management: “pibinko” … Continue reading Services

About me

For some links with a summary of 2023 activities, please see: My name is Andrea Giacomelli, aka pibinko. This is the phonetic transcription of the Sardinian word pipinco (or pipincu), meaning extremely meticulous. The situations documented on this site are made possible by a team which we refer to as the “ network”. The … Continue reading About me

While some get gloomy about dark skies…

IF YOU ARE IN A HURRY Whoever may be interested in elaborating on possible solutions on the mitigation of consequences deriving from light pollution: give ten minutes of his/her time to the then write to for more information (not on buiometriapartecipativa project, but on the mitigation solutions). Thank you, and have a nice week-end … Continue reading While some get gloomy about dark skies…

So I thought I had something to do with INSPIRE…

Sometime in late 2006 -just a few weeks after I saw the photograph of a Portuguese family- I wrote to the organisers of a medium-sized technology-related workshop/conference taking place in June 2007: the INSPIRE conference. Starting from 1997, I had been attending this event roughly every other year. First as a plain “listener”, then gradually … Continue reading So I thought I had something to do with INSPIRE…

Talk at the Istanbul INSPIRE Conference (2012)

This was my presentation at the end of my activity as a facilitator for the working group on Production and Industrial Facilities for the European Union’s INSPIRE Directive data specifications. This had started in April 2010. For more information on pibinko’s maps: Please also see the page on “Support to legislation and politicy“

Maira on a mission: BuioMetria Partecipativa from China to Pakistan

The sky quality meter named “Maira” from the BuioMetria Partecipativa sensor pool was passed to  Ebrahim Hemmatnia, when we met him in  Scotland at the end of June. This happened at the INSPIRE Conference, where I was invited as the facilitator of one the INSPIRE Directive data specification working groups, and where I proposed organizing … Continue reading Maira on a mission: BuioMetria Partecipativa from China to Pakistan