Palla a 21 ball construction course in Torniella: how did it go

In a nutshell, between 3.15 and 6.30PM on Saturday, June 17, we recorded: Two new ball makers: Valentina and Amos (who drove one hour from the plain to learn) Old-time makers back on the scene: Claudio and Fabiano Thinking about it: Andrea L. Enticed folk: several people (kids, teens, and adults), including many from Torniella … Continue reading Palla a 21 ball construction course in Torniella: how did it go

Geomusic at GIT 2017 (Gavorrano, Southern Tuscany, June 12-13, 2017)

Our geomusical activity continues, after the launch at the Farma Valley Winter Fest (December 17, 18 and 19, 2016), the presentation at the FOSS4G conference in Genua (9-2-2017), the international webinar for Geo4all/ASPRS (7-4-2017) and the lecture at  Politecnico di Milano (30-5-2017). At the 12th conference of the Geomatics and Information Technologies section of the Italian … Continue reading Geomusic at GIT 2017 (Gavorrano, Southern Tuscany, June 12-13, 2017)

Nine years of BuioMetria Partecipativa: not just Citizen Science

On June 9, 2008, in Ribolla, Southern Tuscany, a conference was organized to discuss how culture, environment, and open innovation may be integrated to generate new opportunities for rural areas. Two of the four talks concerned the developments following the mission to promote the ancient game of palla a 21 in Chicago, Illinois, in July … Continue reading Nine years of BuioMetria Partecipativa: not just Citizen Science

Save the date: Sunday, July 2, 2017, 7th Farm Valley MTB Trophy

Pro Loco Piloni-Torniella is organizing for Sunday, July 2, 2017, the seventh Farma Valley Mountain Bike Trophy. This is half way between Siena and Grosseto, in Southern Tuscany. The departure will be at 9.30AM in the main square of Torniella, arriving in Piloni after 39 kilometers and about 900 m of altitude difference. For those … Continue reading Save the date: Sunday, July 2, 2017, 7th Farm Valley MTB Trophy

Save the date: Tue. June 6 in Grosseto (Southern Tuscany) the Summer calendar presented @ Caffé Ricasoli

Tuesday, June 6, from 4PM to 8PM at Caffé Ricasoli, in via Ricasoli 20, Grosseto, there will be a presentation of the second part of the 2017 combined calendar of events, by, and other partnering subjects. 2017 started as a peculiar year, as it marks the tenth anniversary of an initiative which was a … Continue reading Save the date: Tue. June 6 in Grosseto (Southern Tuscany) the Summer calendar presented @ Caffé Ricasoli

May 2017: MoU between and CNR IBIMET signed

A memorandum of understanding was signed by the Italian National Research Council’s Institute of Biometeorology and This act creates a liaison between a research organization and a small NGO active in outreach activities providing a formal setting for the joint initiatives that these two subjects have been conducting for over three years, starting from the … Continue reading May 2017: MoU between and CNR IBIMET signed

High School Internships with mission accomplished

From April 26 to May 14 hosted in Torniella, Southern Tuscany, two students from the Fossombroni High School in Grosseto. The students supported the association on two tasks: editing information material concerning the Farma Valley (using both pre-existings sources and new documentation acquired directly on the field) and helping with the promotion of the … Continue reading High School Internships with mission accomplished

May 30, 2017, 8.45PM – “For a more aware use of artificial light” Lucernate Community Hall

The  BuioMetria Partecipativa tour continues, with a slightly revised angle and in a part of the country which contributed a lot to the 2005-2010 phase of the projects. The evening meet-up will follow the morning lecture at the Politecnico di Milano on Land protection and planning: interdisciplinary experiences from ten years of projects from a lesser known … Continue reading May 30, 2017, 8.45PM – “For a more aware use of artificial light” Lucernate Community Hall

No music allowed – episode 1: how did it go?

This was a day with multiple musical nuances. Dario Canal from Etruschi from Lakota arrived around 1PM (after his musical induction classes in the morning). Incidentally, our second guest, Pietro Crivelli, showed up in the main square in Torniella around noon and stated playing fingerpicking guitar for twenty minutes, creating a cool mood, with notes floating in the air. … Continue reading No music allowed – episode 1: how did it go?