No Live Music Allowed – ep. 1: In the Hilly Valleys (May 9, 2017, Torniella)

Tuesday May 9, 2017, in Torniella, Farma Valley, Tuscany, we will have the first episode of a series which will unfold during the coming months (see the flyer, in Italian). We want to raise the issue of the complexity of playing live music (especially for a living) in areas which are far from the big … Continue reading No Live Music Allowed – ep. 1: In the Hilly Valleys (May 9, 2017, Torniella)

Politecnico di Milano, May 30, 2017: Land protection and planning: interdisciplinary experiences from ten years of projects from a lesser known area of Southern Tuscany.

On May 30, at 10.30AM, I will give a lecture at the Politecnico di Milano (the third since 2011). We will meet in the Aula Rossa, building 4A of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, campus Leonardo. If you can’t make it, I will be in town from May 29 to May 31st, and … Continue reading Politecnico di Milano, May 30, 2017: Land protection and planning: interdisciplinary experiences from ten years of projects from a lesser known area of Southern Tuscany.

The BuioMetria Partecipativa project in the International Dark Sky Week 2017

It’s not really our choice, but in several cases when we schedule public measurement seassions with the BuioMetria Partecipativa project we then get overcast weather conditions. In fact, one of the triggers of the project, back in 2008, was to minimize the impact of Murphy’s Law by disconnecting the measurements from the expert and from a specific … Continue reading The BuioMetria Partecipativa project in the International Dark Sky Week 2017 newsletter #2: Live music and citizen science from Apr. 24 to May 1st

Fasten your seat belts, fold your tray tables and switch off your tablets (but not before you have read this message!)…we are about to take off for a lively round of events by and friends Monday, Apr. 24  (today!), we will be at the “Liberi e Vivi! Festival” at Parco delle Sughere in Donoratico. … Continue reading newsletter #2: Live music and citizen science from Apr. 24 to May 1st

Ersilia’s House in Torniella, Southern Tuscany

…it’s right below the little green arrow in the picture: Ersilia’s House is available for rent for short periods, during all of the year. Please write for enquiries. It is a large (five rooms plus bathroom) apartment in Piazza del Popolo, Torniella, part of the Roccastrada Municipality in Southern Tuscany. The two balconies facing the … Continue reading Ersilia’s House in Torniella, Southern Tuscany newsletter (April 17-23): a webinar recording and old card game tournaments

News On April 14 the recording of the webinar we gave on April 7 concerning open-source geomatics, music, and rural areas was published. This is a 45-minute summary, with various live insets by Etruschi from Lakota, of the years of story. The presentation is in English and tuned to the free/open source software community, since we … Continue reading newsletter (April 17-23): a webinar recording and old card game tournaments

The recording of the webinar of open-source geomatics, environment and music from Southern Tuscany

With a few days of delay due to minor technical issues, please see the recording of the April 7 webinar I gave together with Etruschi from Lakota on the subject of : “How Free/Open Source Geomatics can integrate in Rural Communities to improve Resilience and Quality of Life“. The title came out somewhat convoluted, but … Continue reading The recording of the webinar of open-source geomatics, environment and music from Southern Tuscany

New management with Spanish spirit at “Il Boscaiolo” in Torniella (Southern Tuscany)

Simone Straccali, born in  Torniella, a small hamlet in Souther Tuscany, in the woods of the Farma Valley, left the village in 2013 looking for a job in Spain. This nation, in fact,  already hosts other folk from the same village, who started successful businesses in restaturants and pizzerie. Simone spent four  years in a … Continue reading New management with Spanish spirit at “Il Boscaiolo” in Torniella (Southern Tuscany)