Main outreach initiatives by the BuioMetria Partecipativa project since 2008

[TO BE TRANSLATED] Le feste e il clima di distacco dalla routine quotidiana stimolano a volte la riflessione e la sintesi. Le feste di fine e inizio anno, poi, hanno sempre quel che di “fare un bilancio”. Dopo la storia natalizia sul m(‘)appare, pubblicata nel giorno di Santo Stefano, ecco una sorta di Selezione del … Continue reading Main outreach initiatives by the BuioMetria Partecipativa project since 2008

Santa Claus intrigued by the article on the Torniella Band in Scalvaia

In un momento di relax, ascoltando Björk nel brano bag quotidiano, Babbo Natale assimila con attenzione la storia degli imminenti 140 anni della Banda di Torniella e del concerto di stasera a Scalvaia. Lettore assiduo de Il Tirreno (che però dalle sue parti arriva un giorno dopo), era partito con il riassunto del Festival d’Inverno … Continue reading Santa Claus intrigued by the article on the Torniella Band in Scalvaia

Come to measure the dark skies in the “Valley that’s not there” (Il Tirreno, Dec. 17, 2016)

The Farma Valley Winter Fest was launched by Il Tirreno (one of the two newspapers published in Tuscany) on page 1, with a clip inviting people to read the article on page 23 (Culture). The translation of the full article is provided below, with some added hyperlinks and notes to provide some context to the reader.  … Continue reading Come to measure the dark skies in the “Valley that’s not there” (Il Tirreno, Dec. 17, 2016)

A Winter Fest where things happen, if at all, in the Summer

[TO BE TRANSLATED] Musica, fotografia, open data, monitoraggio del cielo notturno e pici all’aglione: tutto insieme senza fare indigestione. Se avete fretta, saltate direttamente alla pagina del Festival d’inverno in Val di Farma. Altrimenti, mettete un po’ di sottofondo soft, e procedete: Dal 17 al 19 dicembre 2016 la bassa Toscana ospita un evento forse non … Continue reading A Winter Fest where things happen, if at all, in the Summer

The BuioMetria CORDILIT station restarts its measurements under the Sassoforte

The BuioMetria Partecipativa project, in addition to managing a pool of sky quality meters which are borrowed by citizens in all of Italy, also owns a monitoring station with a logger. This can be deployed in any (enclosed) site and will record time series of data. The sensor is part of the Italian Coordination for … Continue reading The BuioMetria CORDILIT station restarts its measurements under the Sassoforte

A summary of experiences from Italy in the Loss of the Night Network

The “Loss of the Night” project, funded by the EU COST programme, terminated its four years of activity at the end of October. This article provides a brief summary of the project and of its relations to Italy. Some context Artificial light at night, if used in excess or inappropriately, will generate light pollution, which … Continue reading A summary of experiences from Italy in the Loss of the Night Network

The presentation for the delegation from Artannes-sur-Indre, France gave in Torniella a presentation for a delegation visiting Roccastrada from Artannes-sur-Indre, France. We spoke about initiatives and situations from the Farma Valley that non everybody knows and which has been promoting over the past nine years: palla a 21/palla eh!, buiometria partecipativa, the work on bottom-up nature trails started with the participation … Continue reading The presentation for the delegation from Artannes-sur-Indre, France