Artisti a rimessa (Loser Artists)

A recent installation found in one of the hamlets in the Metalliferous Hills in Southern Tuscany (Roccatederighi). By the same autor of another sculpture called “meglio un cane come amico che un amico cane” (a dog as a friend is better than a friend acting like a dog).


Last update: Apr 22, 2024 January February March April May June

Wolfgang Scheibe

Born in Germany in 1947, in 2007 he relocated in Tatti, Southern Tuscany, after stay in various European and American states. Here he installed a small print shop, where he crafts shirts, posters, and other graphic products. In between graphics, Wolfgang works as a bio-dynamic agriculture consultant, and plays his self-made (44 years ago) one-string … Continue reading Wolfgang Scheibe


Since 1994, across different Italian regions and internationally, we have developed a combination of technical, management and creative skills and have worked with an extremely diverse client base, as demonstrated by our project portfolio. In parallel, we have created a list of qualified suppliers and contractors, while personally providing quality control and project management: “pibinko” … Continue reading Services

About me

For some links with a summary of 2023 activities, please see: My name is Andrea Giacomelli, aka pibinko. This is the phonetic transcription of the Sardinian word pipinco (or pipincu), meaning extremely meticulous. The situations documented on this site are made possible by a team which we refer to as the “ network”. The … Continue reading About me


…to the network web site: where culture, environment, open innovation and music become one. You can visit the network starting from different entry points: The News section will give you a timeline The top menu, the list of categories and the tag Cloud (on the right) highlight different topics …or select one of … Continue reading Welcome…