The Crowdfunding for Tom Newton’s First Album is on

The crowdfunding for Tom Newton’s first album started today. To be part of this venture, please read the page with the available options on the “Produzioni dal Basso” website (in the page you will find explanations in English and Italian) To check out why we like to promote this story, please see references to … Continue reading The Crowdfunding for Tom Newton’s First Album is on

June 21, 2020: A Northern Macedonia evening at Il Boscaiolo, Torniella, Southern Tuscany

This event opens the 2020 conce[r|p]t tour of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere, featuring Mauro Tirannosauro. For more information in English, please write to TO BE TRANSLATED [PER CHI VOLESSE PARTECIPARE: SI RACCOMANDA DI PRENOTARE ALLO 0564 575492]. La rete, attiva dal 2007 su progetti di tutela e valorizzazione di risorse minori o … Continue reading June 21, 2020: A Northern Macedonia evening at Il Boscaiolo, Torniella, Southern Tuscany

Marco Chiavistrelli

Marco Chiavistrelli is a Tuscan songwriter. He has been active since the early Seventies. His work is characterized by a strong focus on social and environmental topics. [THIS BIO IS TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU REQUIRE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IN THE MEANTIME, PLEASE WRITE TO INFO@MARCOCHIAVISTRELLI.IT] Gli Esordi (1973-1977)Esordisce giovanissimo, nel 1973, come cantautore fortemente impegnato. … Continue reading Marco Chiavistrelli

Participatory Lithology: Options for Sponsors

versione 31.3.2020 To understand what Participatory Lithology is, and how we are proposing it, we encourage you to read the summary of the project’s first week (March 21-27, 2020). In the project we have considered four roles: collectors, classifiers, entertainers, and sponsors. To consider the effort involved in the project, you may review what the … Continue reading Participatory Lithology: Options for Sponsors

The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies: Fiction or Documentary?

[TO BE TRANSLATED] [to be translated – please write to in the meantime] L’articolo stile pagina “cultura” scritto in occasione del decennale La traduzione del titolo in una ventina tra lingue e dialetti, tra cui a quella in geroglifico egizio. Trailer #1 (teaser) Trailer #2 (quello fatto bene) Trailer #3 (quello del bancomat) Intervista con Lucio Monocrom, … Continue reading The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies: Fiction or Documentary?

Florence, Feb 22-24, 2019, Hotel Lombardi: Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation from the Farma Valley and friends

NB: Participation to the event is free, but given the limited space and the possibility of “jazz improvisation” in parts of the schedule please write in advance to or +393317539228 to let us know when you may show up. The network, in collaboration with Hotel Lombardi is organizing on Feb 22, 23, and … Continue reading Florence, Feb 22-24, 2019, Hotel Lombardi: Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation from the Farma Valley and friends

Web (since 2008, various versions) – my blog (2011) – social activism (2011) BuioMetria Partecipativa (with Francesco Giubbilini, since 2008, various versions) – on the game of Palla a 21 (or Palla Eh!) (since 2007, various versions) Toscana Foto Festival (2014-2015) (note: the site was dismissed in 2016 following a re-organization of … Continue reading Web

Promotion, communication, facilitation

Since 2006 I have been working in a growing array of projects related to promotion, outreach, facilitation, and community engagement. For these activities, I often collaborate with other professionals or organizations. The track record is provided below. Individual events or very short projects (e.g. a one week campaign or a presentation) are listed separate from … Continue reading Promotion, communication, facilitation

Nov. 15, 2018 “Waiting for the Farma Valley Winter Fest” + BuioMetria @ Hotel Lombardi, Florence

Thursday, Nov. 15 from 6PM to 8PM at Hotel Lombardi in Florence(via Fiume, very close to S. Maria Novella train station), we will hold the first of a series of events to launch the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest (Dec. 14-16  see details). In addition to providing a sneak peek on the festival, which is a … Continue reading Nov. 15, 2018 “Waiting for the Farma Valley Winter Fest” + BuioMetria @ Hotel Lombardi, Florence