Sharing the Perception of Credibility in Participatory Investigation

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31544.90884 Recommended soundtrack: Everything is everything. This is the elaboration of a draft presented live at Noisy-Champs, France, in February 2019. This “live poster” was proposed as a way to formalize a method to share the perception of credibility in participatory investigation. A full report of the workshop where this poster was presented is … Continue reading Sharing the Perception of Credibility in Participatory Investigation

The network, buiometria, and participatory lithology @ Radio Popolare Milano (March 26, 2020)

This was a long talk with Disma Pestalozza and Alessandro Diegoli, providing breaking news on Participatory Lithology, but also going into various flashbacks related to the network. These included “The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies” (2006), the ancient game of palla 21, buiometria partecipativa (participatory night sky quality monitoring), Aunt … Continue reading The network, buiometria, and participatory lithology @ Radio Popolare Milano (March 26, 2020)


please note: Videos for the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band (Jug Band Colline Metallifere) are proposed in a dedicate page on the JBCM web site: Shorts, in reverse date order. Nine videos are co-productions (with: Lucio Monocrom, Orsola Sinisi, Francesco Giubbilini, Manuel Schianchi). Some videos are, intentionally, “lo-fi”, instant productions. Others follow a detailed production … Continue reading Videos

Promotion, communication, facilitation

Since 2006 I have been working in a growing array of projects related to promotion, outreach, facilitation, and community engagement. For these activities, I often collaborate with other professionals or organizations. The track record is provided below. Individual events or very short projects (e.g. a one week campaign or a presentation) are listed separate from … Continue reading Promotion, communication, facilitation

Cultural mediation on the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest appreciates the value of languages and dialects. Following an exercise we already made in 2007 with our first movie”The revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies“(note: this link leads to an Italian page, but if you scroll it you will find the translation), in the weeks surrounding the Festival we will try … Continue reading Cultural mediation on the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest

So I thought I had something to do with INSPIRE…

Sometime in late 2006 -just a few weeks after I saw the photograph of a Portuguese family- I wrote to the organisers of a medium-sized technology-related workshop/conference taking place in June 2007: the INSPIRE conference. Starting from 1997, I had been attending this event roughly every other year. First as a plain “listener”, then gradually … Continue reading So I thought I had something to do with INSPIRE…

“White night” in Massa Marittima (Southern Tuscany)

The initial application was made as (the Italian OSGEO Chapter, for which at the time I was acting as communication/marketing manager). However, the table acting as a stand embedded also other elements of the stories at the time. Among others, a loop show of “The revenge of the Killer Chihuahuas and of the … Continue reading “White night” in Massa Marittima (Southern Tuscany)