After three Palla a 21/palla eh! tournaments, waiting for the fourth

I’ve been following the game of palla a 21 (or palla eh!) since 2007, the year we brought the ball to Chicago, Illinois. In addition, I’ve been looking at it from various angles, and working on its promotion and definition of its role in relation to other things going on. This year I missed the … Continue reading After three Palla a 21/palla eh! tournaments, waiting for the fourth

Zen, one of the “tre cani rossi” (three red dogs) visiting La Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany

Following the presentation of the “Tre cani rossi” wine by Az. Agricola I Cipressi in Capannoli (Pisa) at Bar Vineria La Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany, half way between Siena and Grosseto, on Aug. 20, and following the testimonial by Claudio “Bob” Spinosi, today it was no less then Zen, one of the actual three red … Continue reading Zen, one of the “tre cani rossi” (three red dogs) visiting La Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany

Tre Cani Rossi now available at Bar Vineria la Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany

You can now buy “I Tre cani rossi” red wine by Azienda Agricola I Cipressi in Capannoli (Pisa) at Bar Vineria La Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany. This is along the old state road from Grosseto to Siena. The initiative was launched after a double map & wine tasting session in the Farma Valley on … Continue reading Tre Cani Rossi now available at Bar Vineria la Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany

No music allowed – episode 1: how did it go?

This was a day with multiple musical nuances. Dario Canal from Etruschi from Lakota arrived around 1PM (after his musical induction classes in the morning). Incidentally, our second guest, Pietro Crivelli, showed up in the main square in Torniella around noon and stated playing fingerpicking guitar for twenty minutes, creating a cool mood, with notes floating in the air. … Continue reading No music allowed – episode 1: how did it go?

With Bob and Mariano at S. Maria alla Scala for the Siena Capital of Culture Workshop

TO BE TRANSLATED ‘ Sintesi estrema di questa storia, se non avete tempo: Mariano di Scalvaia (al centro nella foto di testa) 1 – Ecosistema Culturale Nazionale 0. Altrimenti, proseguite, sulle note dei Seguridad Social Nel 2014 varie città italiane concorrevano per definire quale sarebbe stata la candidata a capitale europea della cultura 2019. Fu … Continue reading With Bob and Mariano at S. Maria alla Scala for the Siena Capital of Culture Workshop