Lectures on the Application of Participatory Methods for the Design of Interdisciplinary Activities for the Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky (Spring 2020)

TO BE TRANSLATED Il 23 marzo e 16 aprile 2020 ho tenuto un corso integrativo sull’Applicazione di metodi partecipati alla progettazione di interventi di tutela e valorizzazione interdisciplinare del cielo notturno per gli studenti del corso di Composizione Architettonica per la Laurea in Ingegneria Edile-Architettura dell’Università di Brescia (docente prof. Olivia Longo). Il corso ha … Continue reading Lectures on the Application of Participatory Methods for the Design of Interdisciplinary Activities for the Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky (Spring 2020)

Presentation of the pibinko.org Network in Brussels (May 22, 2019): How did it go?

Last Wednesday, after close-of-business on a workshop for research ethics in the Internet sector, I had the possibility of organizing a brief yet intense presentation of the pibinko.org network at Piola Libry, in Brussels, Belgium. This followed our participation in early April to the final conference of the DITOs project, and various on- and off-line … Continue reading Presentation of the pibinko.org Network in Brussels (May 22, 2019): How did it go?

“Buiometria” is Helping to Build Dark Sky Parks

As a preview on the conference on “Interdisciplinary Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky: state of the art, action items, and visions” at the University of Brescia, we had an article on the Brescia edition of Corriere della Sera (one of the two main newspapers in Italy), including part of an interview to Andrea … Continue reading “Buiometria” is Helping to Build Dark Sky Parks

Politecnico di Milano, May 30, 2019: From Sound Engineering to Engineering with Sound + DICA goes to Maremma

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, Aula Citrini, 4PM-7PM (the actual time within this range will be confirmed ASAP). Thursday, May 30, Politecnico di Milano will host a very peculiar event. This will be a lecture where a talk about sustainability on inner rural areas of Southern Tuscany will be mixed with live music performed by … Continue reading Politecnico di Milano, May 30, 2019: From Sound Engineering to Engineering with Sound + DICA goes to Maremma

Mar. 16, 2019 / Amish from Jack White & Friends @ Dribbling Bar Grosseto, Tuscany

Also featuring Jack O’Malley and Wolfgang Scheibe from the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band Gli Amish from Jack White sono un progetto nato un paio di anni fa dall’incrocio fra Dario Canal, frontman degli Etruschi from Lakota, e Alessio Ricci, chitarrista dei Crimson Thunder di Piombino. Galeotto fu il teatro, e dopo la collaborazione nella preparazione … Continue reading Mar. 16, 2019 / Amish from Jack White & Friends @ Dribbling Bar Grosseto, Tuscany

Mar. 8, 2019: Amish from Jack White & Friends live in Massa Marittima, Tuscany

TO BE TRANSLATED Gli Amish from Jack White sono un progetto nato un paio di anni fa dall’incrocio fra Dario Canal, frontman degli Etruschi from Lakota, e Alessio Ricci, chitarrista dei Crimson Thunder di Piombino. Galeotto fu il teatro, e dopo la collaborazione nella preparazione di uno spettacolo, partì lo spin off di musica dal … Continue reading Mar. 8, 2019: Amish from Jack White & Friends live in Massa Marittima, Tuscany

March 5, 2019 – Jack O’Malley speaks about Geomusic for “In Aria” (Radio Rogna)

From 7’38” for three minutes you can listen to Jack O’Malley explaining (in Italian) how the idea of “geomusic” was born and how he is working on this with the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band. Jack then introduces a song on the subject of dreams. Kudos to Linda for the invitation! Here is a transcript: Hi … Continue reading March 5, 2019 – Jack O’Malley speaks about Geomusic for “In Aria” (Radio Rogna)

Jan 23, 2019: The “Jug Band” sings geomusic: a new artistic genre is born (La Nazione, Pontedera edition)

Original article by Ilenia Pistolesi (see source). Translation by Andrea Giacomelli. Please also see the pibinko.org blog post with the full presentation which inspired the article, or write to jugbandcm@pibinko.org for more information. Cecina Valley (Pisa), Jan. 23, 2019. Environment, land, and rural development. These are crucial topics, normally discussed in round tables by political … Continue reading Jan 23, 2019: The “Jug Band” sings geomusic: a new artistic genre is born (La Nazione, Pontedera edition)

The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band during the “Live and vynils Night” in Torniella, Tuscany

sabato 5/1/2019 a Torniella (GR) con: Peter Crivelli, guitars and vocals Wolfgang Scheibe, one-string bass Dario Canal, lead vocals, guitar, washboard Jack O’Malley, drums, guitar, vocals Simone Sandrucci, guitars, vocals Fabiano Spinosi, drums Peter Marini (guitars and vocals in “Noi non siamo figli” and “Sognando il Vaticano”, then transforming into Pyro DJ with his vynils … Continue reading The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band during the “Live and vynils Night” in Torniella, Tuscany