Jul. 14, 2024 – Vetulonia (Southern Tuscany). 1st Palla Eh! Junior Campus

The Associazione Palla Eh Vetulonia is planning for Sunday, July 14, 2024 in Vetulonia, close to Castiglione della Pescaia, Southern Tuscany, a event dedicated to promoting the ancient game of palla eh! for kids. Thanks to the presence of some players of the teams which in the Summer week-ends will be participating in the official … Continue reading Jul. 14, 2024 – Vetulonia (Southern Tuscany). 1st Palla Eh! Junior Campus

A Year in Review with the pibinko.org Network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere

We have only one event left to close one year of work with the pibinko.org network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere: this will be the epilogue of the Fourth Winter Fest, on Dec. 21. We then considered that we might start some housekeeping, by offering you a bird’s eye view on the blog articles … Continue reading A Year in Review with the pibinko.org Network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere

Tre Cani Rossi now available at Bar Vineria la Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany

You can now buy “I Tre cani rossi” red wine by Azienda Agricola I Cipressi in Capannoli (Pisa) at Bar Vineria La Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany. This is along the old state road from Grosseto to Siena. The initiative was launched after a double map & wine tasting session in the Farma Valley on … Continue reading Tre Cani Rossi now available at Bar Vineria la Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany

Mauro Tirannosauro’s Maps, ep. 4: #iounnescoacaso

TBT Grazie alla consulenza di Mauro Tirannosauro, la divisione cartografica di pibinko.org ha prodotto una mappa che riporta delle fasce chilometriche attorno ai borghi, che so tre a caso, Piloni, Tatti, e Torniella. L’ordinanza regionale toscana n. 46 del 29.4 dice: 1.E’ consentito per l’attività motoria svolgere passeggiate all’aria aperta e utilizzare la bicicletta, conpartenza … Continue reading Mauro Tirannosauro’s Maps, ep. 4: #iounnescoacaso