Jul. 14, 2024 – Vetulonia (Southern Tuscany). 1st Palla Eh! Junior Campus

The Associazione Palla Eh Vetulonia is planning for Sunday, July 14, 2024 in Vetulonia, close to Castiglione della Pescaia, Southern Tuscany, a event dedicated to promoting the ancient game of palla eh! for kids. Thanks to the presence of some players of the teams which in the Summer week-ends will be participating in the official … Continue reading Jul. 14, 2024 – Vetulonia (Southern Tuscany). 1st Palla Eh! Junior Campus

A Year in Review with the pibinko.org Network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere

We have only one event left to close one year of work with the pibinko.org network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere: this will be the epilogue of the Fourth Winter Fest, on Dec. 21. We then considered that we might start some housekeeping, by offering you a bird’s eye view on the blog articles … Continue reading A Year in Review with the pibinko.org Network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere

A Northern Macedonia evening at Il Boscaiolo, Torniella, Southern Tuscany, June 21, 2020: How did it go?

The first event of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere conce[r|p]t season was a great success. On this round we had a “concept”. The topic was the cultural twinning of the forest areas in the boundary area between Grosseto and Siena in Southern Tuscany, and the Republic of North Macedonia del Nord. You may find a … Continue reading A Northern Macedonia evening at Il Boscaiolo, Torniella, Southern Tuscany, June 21, 2020: How did it go?

P.E.L.P. ep. 5: Naming the first stones, lots of music, and teenage Mauro

While the preparation of the milestone event for our little participatory lithology exercise [1] is under way…. ..music is flowing, both in the form of our Lithobags, and thanks to Pietro “Raman” Crivelli from Piloni (Southern Tuscany). Peter is sending us before sunset either a song or a painting (e does both), asking to republish … Continue reading P.E.L.P. ep. 5: Naming the first stones, lots of music, and teenage Mauro

Oct. 11-13, 2019: 9th European Llargues Club Cup (Monticiano/Torniella/Ciciano, Tuscany) & Exhibition on the game of palla in Monticiano (until Oct. 27)

Following the traditional palla eh! and palla a 21 Summer tournaments in Southern Tuscany, the beginning of the Autumn brings in the same area a very peculiar event: the ninth European Llargues Cup for clubs. Llargues is one of the variants of hand-ball games played across Europe, especially in the Valencian region in Spain, with … Continue reading Oct. 11-13, 2019: 9th European Llargues Club Cup (Monticiano/Torniella/Ciciano, Tuscany) & Exhibition on the game of palla in Monticiano (until Oct. 27)

pibinko.org Newsletter on Culture, Environment, Open Innovation, and Music (June 24, 2019)

In the header, a map showing the breakdown of different types of energy sources back in 1972. The original article (from the Panorama magazine, Nov. 1973) is part of the pibinko.org stuff-o-theque. Apart from this, things are spinning quite fast, so I leave you with a reminder of events for the first part of the … Continue reading pibinko.org Newsletter on Culture, Environment, Open Innovation, and Music (June 24, 2019)