Apr. 20, Talks on Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky in Scansano, Tuscany

Following the event in Tatti (Southern Tuscany), and the presentation of the first verison of the community map of its surroundings, and in the context of a rich program of events through June (pending further updates), you are invited in Scansano, Southern Tuscany for an afternoon with the pibinko.org network. The event will have a … Continue reading Apr. 20, Talks on Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky in Scansano, Tuscany

March 4, 2017: Open Data Day in Torniella (with opening in Scansano and closing in Castelnuovo Val di Cecina)

Saturday, March 4, for the International Open Data Day, the beta version of the Farma Valley Community Map will be presented in Torniella (GR), Southern Tuscany: meet us at 6PM in the Torniella Band/ARCI club in the main square of the village. The event is in the line of initiatives that the Attivarti.org founders have … Continue reading March 4, 2017: Open Data Day in Torniella (with opening in Scansano and closing in Castelnuovo Val di Cecina)

Impromptu poets from Sardinia and Tuscany at my grandma’s place in Scansano

In a non-casual combination of events, on the afternoon of April 30, 2011, my grandmother, Andreina, hosted in her living room in Scansano (Southern Tuscany) some impromptu poets. We had the Tenores (throat singers) from Orgosolo, two local poets (Elino Rossi and Fernando Tizzi), some singers from Sinnai (close to Cagliari) and a couple of … Continue reading Impromptu poets from Sardinia and Tuscany at my grandma’s place in Scansano

July 7, 2024 6PM. Night Sky Quality and Land Quality at the Polo Culturale Pietro Aldi, Saturnia (Southern Tuscany)

After last February’s event in Scansano, we touch base once more on night sky quality (and Buiometria Partecipativa, participatory night sky quality monitoring). This time we will be in the awesome setting of Polo Culturale Pietro Aldi in Saturnia (Southern Tuscany), combined with a typical product tasting and a visit to the Paride Pascucci exhibition…food … Continue reading July 7, 2024 6PM. Night Sky Quality and Land Quality at the Polo Culturale Pietro Aldi, Saturnia (Southern Tuscany)

“No Borders” M’illumino di Meno, together with BuioMetria Partecipativa. Not just night sky quality monitoring.

Following our Jan. 17 article presenting our track record on light and darkness engineering (link 1), and the Jan. 23 article proposing some activity hints (link 2, in Italian), here are some detailed instructions on how to participate to M’illumino di Meno (the Italian National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles) together with us. … Continue reading “No Borders” M’illumino di Meno, together with BuioMetria Partecipativa. Not just night sky quality monitoring.

BuioMetria Partecipativa will be in M’illumino di Meno 2024. Do you want to be with us?

If you are in a hurry: if you want to collaborate with the BuioMetria Partecipativa (participatory night sky quality monitoring) for the next edition of M’illumino di Meno, please contact bmp@pibinko.org or +393317539228. We also have options for educational/professional training credits. What is M’illumino di Meno? The simplest thing is to quote the RAI (Italian … Continue reading BuioMetria Partecipativa will be in M’illumino di Meno 2024. Do you want to be with us?

A Summary of the First Italian Survey of Hand-made Crochet Hook Christmas Trees

Between Dec. 22, 2023 and Jan. 6, 2024, the pibinko.org network, in collaboration with those who will collaborate, and the endorsement of those who will endorse, organized the First Italian survey of hand-made crochet hook Christmas trees. This was under the art direction of Jennifer the psychedelic reindeer, and the notary Maurizio Ascalzone. The survey … Continue reading A Summary of the First Italian Survey of Hand-made Crochet Hook Christmas Trees

1st National Survey of Hand-made Crochet-hook Christmas Trees

In the pibinko.org network this has been a hot topic for some time. After one of the national TV news made a report about this, we could no longer wait. Before some supposedly independent production company started the next hypo-lobotomizing reality show, we considered sharing some hints for some DIY territorial survey. We noted in … Continue reading 1st National Survey of Hand-made Crochet-hook Christmas Trees