The Network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere without Words

Speaking to people about what we do, something we go for metaphors, sometimes for equations, sometimes for songs, or sometimes we just close our eyes and feel the breeze.

To provide yet another expression for the concept of “interdisciplinary protection and promotion of lesser known assets in the fields of culture, environment, and open innovation“, Mauro Tirannosauro wrote a few lines of code displaying all of the photos published on the and Jug Band Colline Metallifere WordPress sites in a single sequence, generating a sort of mosaic.

The result is a photo log which is partly in chronological order (for each event we do we have at least one photo on the site), and partly not, since we are also gradually importing to the site photos of things we did in pre-blog times (since 2000), which in the system are assigned the data of when the file is uploaded. In any case the effect is interesting, and some of you may recognise situations and folks.

To see the whole “movie” try: . This will get you over 1500 images (as of August 10, 2020), and will require some time to load, although the final effect is neat. Otherwise, you can try the month-by-month option:


JulyAugust SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember

If some of the shots capture your curiosity, you can try and find the corresponding news on the blogs, or write for more information.

The core of the images starts in 2015.

Orsola Sinisi

Cenni biografici

Orsola Sinisi, videomaker indipendente, cresciuta in Puglia, vive a Milano dal 1997. Dopo esperienze in ambito teatrale, nel 2002 dà inizio alla sperimentazione video firmando regia, riprese e montaggio di tutti i lavori.

Dal 2003 al 2006 realizza la serie Ritratti a teatro, intervistando alcuni dei più significativi autori teatrali tra cui Ascanio Celestini, Marco Baliani, Jan Fabre, Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, Renato Sarti, Antonio Rezza e Flavia Mastrella, pubblicati sul sito Ateatro di Oliviero Ponte di Pino.

Nel 2005 realizza Del Rwanda non sappiamo nulla, documentario sul genocidio con Yolande Mukagasana e il Gen. Dallaire, premiato a Bolzano nel 2006.

Nel 2007 realizza Un tempo si chiamavano cafoni, inchiesta sui braccianti di ieri e gli extracomunitari impegnati nella raccolta del pomodoro in Puglia, premiato al NIFF nel 2009.

Del 2010 è Foodpower, selezionato in numerosi festival, premiato a Roma da Morandini come miglior corto di regia al femminile e terzo classificato al Clorofilla film festival.Nello stesso anno fonda insieme a Lucio Monocrom le Officine Pandino, laboratorio di produzione video ed elaborazione dell’ immagine.

Dal 2010 tiene workshop di “videoteppismo”, laboratori di documentario di analisi socio-antropologica e mappatura dei luoghi, per la realizzazione di film collettivi.

Produzioni video

2002 E i fiorentini stanno a guardare

2003 Massimo Munaro-ritratto

Renato Sarti-ritratto

2004 Giovanni Lindo Ferretti-ritratto

Ascanio Celestini-ritratto

2005 Marco Baliani-ritratto

Del Rwanda non sappiamo nulla

Jan Fabre-ritratto

2006 Antonio Rezza e Flavia Mastrella-ritratti

Pasherienaset il figlio di Iside – Il lungo viaggio di una statua egizia

Genova – giochi nella notte dei musei

2007 ritratto di famiglia

Un tempo si chiamavano cafoni

La Fura dels Baus-ritratta assente

2008 spara

Brides on tour

I Rom invitano al Bellezza

2009 Danze d’oltrEuropa

Alle radici delle patate

2010 Foodpower

Beggar’ s food



Primavera di bellezza

2011 Bovisa Film Collection

2012 Sapessi com’è strano: rilevatori a Milano

Partecipazione a Festival

  • Borderlands 4ff Bolzano
  • Sguardialtrove Milano
  • Quinte(s)senza Palermo
  • Saldi di fine stagione – Palermo
  • Festambientesud – Monte Sant Angelo (Fg)
  • Festival del cinema indipendente – Roma
  • Tempia – Roma
  • Filmaker al chiostro – Pordenone
  • NIFF 2008
  • L’altro corto – Roma
  • Festival del cinema invisibile – Lecce
  • Efebocorto 2010
  • Melzo film festival
  • Opere Nuove – Bolzano
  • BovisaVideoConnaction – Milano
  • Di ruolo – Catania
  • Foggia Film Festival
  • Festival audiovisivo della Biodiversità – Roma
  • Cinemavvenire Video Festival – Roma
  • Clorofilla film festival
  • Festival internazionale audiovisivo della biodiversità – Roma
  • Invideo – Milano

Altri progetti

  • autrice di recensioni cinematografiche per il sito Destroy This Nerd
  • responsabile dell’allestimento per la presentazione stampa delle collezioni kidult e Mabina Gioielli srl-
  • Bou-Tek Milano
  • autrice delle immagini di repertorio per il documentario “Sono innamorato di Pippa Bacca” di Simone Manetti
  • realizzazione della serie Rhythmicity, esperimenti di esplorazione psico-geografica all’interno del progetto Exercises in Urban Reconnaissance in collaborazione con il collettivo italo-berlinese Ogino Knauss
  • ricerche Repertorio per “MEI [MEIG] Voci Migranti” di Federico Greco – prod. Fondazione Archivio Diaristico Nazionale di Pieve Santo Stefano, Meta
  • docente di corsi di editing video e video partecipato


• Gruppo editoriale Mauri Spagnol

• Guerriglia Marketing

• Festival delle storie

• Durex

• kartell

• Comune di Corsico

• ARCI Milano

• Sovrintendenza ai BBCC regione Valle d’Aosta

• Comune di Genova – Museo Archeologico di


• Teatri ’90 per il progetto Italy for Rwanda

• ateatro


Orsola Sinisi

via Barrili, 24 – 20141 Milano


An Italian interdisciplinary citizen observatory for the protection and promotion of night skies on year 12 of its evolution: challenges and opportunities from a Digital Earth perspective

The proceedings of the 11th Symposium of the International Society for Digital Earth, held in September 2019 in Florence, Italy, have been published. In the proceedings you also find an article about the presentation given by Andrea Giacomelli (co-authored by Elena Maggi and Luciano Massetti) on BuioMetria Partecipativa.

The article is available from this page (DOI:

For more information on buiometria partecipativa, and services on light and darkness by


Citizen observatories are community-based systems that can complement official networks for environmental data collection. This study proposes the case of a Citizen Observatory on light pollution, developed in Tuscany since 2008. Starting from the collection of measurement by volunteers, the observatory is now composed by a heterogeneous array of subjects (two research institutions, two rural communities, a rock-blues band, and a professional photographer) operating from local to international level through its connection with the international scientific community. This collaboration produced several outcomes: light pollution monitoring campaigns, numerous outreach events for raising citizen awareness on light pollution and its consequences and for the promotion of dark sky areas, input to global level position papers and scientific publications, the organization of an international Symposium on promotion and protection of the night sky.

A Northern Macedonia evening at Il Boscaiolo, Torniella, Southern Tuscany, June 21, 2020: How did it go?

The first event of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere conce[r|p]t season was a great success. On this round we had a “concept”. The topic was the cultural twinning of the forest areas in the boundary area between Grosseto and Siena in Southern Tuscany, and the Republic of North Macedonia del Nord. You may find a presentation of the event in this article.

The animators for the evening were Ferit Idrizovski and his son, Mujadin. They are originally from Crn Vrv, about 80 km South of Skopje, but have been residing in Italy now for over twenty years. Their goal was to tell people about their country, in the context of a set arranged by Jack O’Malley with objects somewhat related to the topic. Below are some shots of the event.

For more information, and booking: or +393317539228

Three little birds in Scalvaia, the village on the North side of the Farma Valley, facing Torniella (see also Three Little Birds May 2019 version), just before the event.
The site looking East entering Torniella from the South, along via Senese (the former Siena/Arezzo state road). On the horizon you can detect Monte Amiata, the highest peak in Southern Tuscany. The availability of power and communication lines is abuundant in this territory, making it ideal for the development of production and industrial facilities (to be designed accounting for B.A.T.’s, Best Available Technologies).
Mauro Tirannosauro is encouraging folks passing by to join the event, with just a few slots available at Il Boscaiolo, assisted by Debora.
Arrivati Ferit e Mujadin, e conosciuto Amos, che andò in missione nel Nord Macedonia del 2003, non si sta “a pettinare le bambole”. Partono subito con un video sul territorio di Crn Vrv, e memorie d’antan.
Meanwhile the other symposium participants have arrived. From Gollonica (FR), the Lawrences-Goodwhos family, collaborating with Mauro Tirannosauro, and others.
Peter “Raman” Crivelli wrote a ballad about macedonia as the fruit salad (in Italian it is the same word), called “kiwi always fits in”
Ferit gets at the height of his outreach exercise with videos of weddings from Northern Macedonia, first from his phone….
…and more with Mujadin, on Jack O’ Malley’s PC.
While on the centre court folks are debating about territories and jobs, Mauro Tirannosauro and Telly Lawrences meet with other friends who took part in the making of the video on Mauro on the rampage in Gollonica (FR), produced at the end of May (see the video)