After last February’s event in Scansano, we touch base once more on night sky quality (and Buiometria Partecipativa, participatory night sky quality monitoring). This time we will be in the awesome setting of Polo Culturale Pietro Aldi in Saturnia (Southern Tuscany), combined with a typical product tasting and a visit to the Paride Pascucci exhibition…food for the body and for the mind.
Admission is free but a reservation is required at +390564601280 or
Below you find some shots from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere. Between June 14 and June 29 we have moved from Southern Tuscany, Trentino, Munich, and various locations in Baden-Württemberg, proposing a series of concerts intertwined with the topic of grains, and more in general to interact on musica and relation between different territories.We have been at: La Foresta+Comun’orto Rovereto, Vits Cafe Munich, Tennental, Krone Alt Hoheneck (Ludwigsburg), Goldochsen Brauerei Spielbach, Huober Brezel Erdmannhausen, Tatty Stay and See Stuttgart, Beuerlbach-Crailsheim, Löwen Bartenstein, Clansman Ludwigsburg, Aalen Red Cross, in addition to a couple of street music gigs in Ludwigsburg and Stuttgart. This was around 2700 km and 14 events in 16 days, closing at Bagno Baratti (Tuscany) on June 29.
In addition to the hosting venues, we would like to thank: Max Herman and his Mindful Mona Lisa project, Dario Guidetti, Luca Delucchi. Special thanks to Samuel Huber for the assistance and multiple ideas emerged during the stay in Erdmannhausen.
Please remember that:
some tour T-shirts are still available (vedi articolo).
On Soundcloud and Youtube you can listen to six songs from our most recent set list.
Our next concerts with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere will be: July 10 in Pomarance (Pisa) and Aug. 22 in Tatti .
After a day off, where we had the opportunity of visiting the Bauer recording studios in Ludwigsburg, Germany, the Gran(i)Tour, starts its second half, with the most “rural” event of all our mission.
From 7.30PM it will be possible to visit Reiner Schmidt’s farm in Beuerlbach, North-East of Stuttgart. Here you may see different types of experimental grains on which four local families have been working for years.
The Jug Band Colline Metallifere performance will follow the site visit (around 9PM).
Pending a full report about the Gran(i)Tour, you can check out a few moments of the tour from the JBCM Instagram profile: For more information: or +393317539228
This map highlights some portions of the roads and trails selected by Amministrazione Separata Beni e Usi Civici (ASBUC) di Tatti, and deemed suitable for walks and hikes. These portions may be assembled at your leisure to compose itineraries around the village with for walks from around one to four hours.
The data are available in three formats:
Directly online, from the map below or in a full-screen version at: If you are on a mobile device and you click the location icon under the zoom key, you may display your location.
If you liked the “Tatti Twist” launched last aprile, you are boung to dig the other songs we recorded with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere during the past months. As a warm-up for the upcoming Gran(i)Tour you can find them on Soundcloud and YouTube…your choice:
During the May 21, 2024 episode of #221 on TV9 Grosseto, we proposed four songs with a trio lineup, and explained a bit of the JBCM project as we approach the Gran(i)Tour.
In the midst of the preparations for the Jug Band Colline Metallifere Gran(i)Tour, Wolfgang will send periodic shots from his wheat field in the Bruna Valley, Southern Tuscany. For previous pictures:
Between 4 and 5.2PM on May 21 we will be hosted on TV9 in the #221 show. We will be proposing a few songs and giving some news about the upcoming Gran(i)tour.
In addition to Digitale Terrestre in Tuscany, it is possible to follow the show via web streaming on: